Harry does sexy cam shows to make money

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Word count: 7.8k?

Harry's having a typical Saturday.
He's locked himself in his room for the afternoon, logged onto his live website, turned on his camera, and began undressing. Every Saturday he puts on a show for his passionate, raving viewers, always dropping comments about wanting to suck his cock dry or how hard he'd fuck them, and it makes Harry wildly horny. He never shows his face during a web show - he wants to keep that mysterious aspect - but he damn well jerks his cock off for as long as he can hold out for until coming. And he always gets fucking filthy.
Like today, he's sat himself down in his rolling chair and angled the webcam down at his crotch as he stroked his cock, starting off leisurely. He always takes his time at the beginning, enjoying reading the comments about how big he is, letting his ego grow even bigger, and his fist to move faster. He loves receiving praise about his cock, and sometimes he'll even be vocal about it (he's realized this brings him more viewers, meaning more money - college tuition is no joke).
"Enjoying your day, watching me play with my cock?" He deepens his voice, too, for added affect, to show his audience (although he speaks as if he's talking to one person - it makes it more intimate that way) he's far gone in his euphoric state. "You make me so... fucking... hard. I want to paint your face in my cum - have you walk around with my mark on you all day. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Hundred more comments flow through, telling him they'd love to wear their daddy's spunk, and Harry's fist is moving at lightning speed. He cranks it out for as long as he can until he's bursting in his hand, shooting from his tip and spurting onto his knuckles, dribbling down to his thighs. He rests his head back against the headrest of the chair and sighs lowly, still working his fist on the head and flinching from the sensitivity of it all. He bids his viewers a goodbye and tells them he will see them tomorrow morning. Harry's lucky his roommate works the weekends, leaving him to put on his shows for as long as he wants on Saturday and Sunday. He cleans himself up with a dirty shirt in his hamper, puts on pajama pants low on his hips, and strolls into the kitchen. He pours himself a bowl of cereal when his roommate walks in.
"Ugh!" The roommate stomps into the kitchen and folds her arms as she leans against the counter. "Work sucked ass today!"
Harry chuckles before taking a bite of his late breakfast - only 2pm. "What happened?"
"It's bad enough I work 5am to fucking 2pm, and customers are rude as shit! I had this lady call customer service on me because I 'gave her a bad look'." She uses quotation marks with her fingers. "So my mangers were on my ass until I clocked out, telling me to smile more and practically be a little doll while engaging with customers at the register. Fucking annoying."
"What a lovely lady. Doesn't she know you get up at 4am to go work at that stupid retail store? And clean it before it opens?" Harry speaks sarcastically but also truthfully.
"Thank you!" She stands on her tip-toes during her exclamation. "I wanna quit so bad, but the money is good, so... guess I'm stuck until graduation." She picks at her nails as she watches Harry eat his cereal. "What about you? Have you been looking for a job since you got... terminated", she speaks quietly for some reason, "from that Dairy Queen?"
"First off", Harry sets his bowl down, "they did not terminate me. I quit." The roommate snorts. "Stop! There was no firing. I left on my own accord."
"Yeah. S'that why you're not allowed back there?"
"Oh, hush." He frowns and picks his bowl back up. "Should call you Meanie Y/N."
"You know you love me." Y/N smiles and saunters off to her bedroom, although still yelling out to him from the far off distance. "But, really, have you looked for a job? How have you been paying for your part of the groceries?"
Harry begins to panic; he doesn't have an answer, and he can't very well tell her he's been getting paid by strangers on the internet watching him pull at his cock. "My mum's been Venmo-ing me money."
She returns wearing pajama pants as well and a loose crop top (that she snagged from the clearance section of Forever 21). "You're not seriously telling me you're making your mom pay for your shit... you're 21 years old, Harry."
"Oi! Didn't you go visit your parents last weekend and have them pay for your gas in your car?" Y/N averts her eyes to the ground and swats his shoulder. "Thought so."
"Whatever. I'm hungry." She looks in his bowl. "You're eating my strawberry Cinnamon Toast Crunch! How dare you, mister?!" She swats his shoulder again with a laugh. "You know that cereal cost me $3.44."
"And it's very good." He moans lewdly, causing Y/N to giggle and pull a bag of Doritos out of the pantry.
"Are you just now waking up? Or have you been busy doing stuff?"
Oh, you know, just the usual: tugging my cock while spewing filth into a mic for my lovely subscribers to most likely get off to as well. "I've been working on my psychology paper. S'due soon."
"Ooh! Can I have a read? I loved taking psychology last semester."
Harry freezes because he most definitely has not been working on his psychology paper - hasn't even checked the syllabus to read the instructions for it. "Uh, you know, I haven't really started writing it yet. I've just been brainstorming."
Y/N shrugs and pops the bag of chips open. "Well, you better start. Professor Hinkel doesn't play with late papers. He docks off 40 points automatically, so you're already looking at a 60! Quite vicious." She turns around and stands up on her toes to reach for a cup in the cabinet, her ass sticking out, and Harry has a hard time keeping his eyes off it. He can't lie and say he hasn't had a few sessions with his hand while thinking about her. "Do we still have V8?" Harry doesn't listen to a word she says - his mind imagining what her ass looks like beneath the fuzzy pants - and he feels his own pajama pants growing a bit tight from the fantasy developing in his brain. "Hellooo?"
He snaps back to reality and blinks while averting his eyes, knowing his face must be the color of a rose right now. "What was that?"
Y/N's not oblivious to how Harry looks at her body. She sees when he takes a gander at her chest for a bit too long, or when he watches the sway of her bottom as she walks. She wonders if he likes her the way she kind of, sort of, really likes him. "I asked if we still have V8." She smiles when his blush turns more crimson; she loves that he gets flustered over her because he certainly makes her flustered as well - especially right now, as he's not wearing a shirt.
"Oh, yeah. No, we don't. I drank it all."
"Then it's your turn to buy it." She pokes his nose and fills her cup up with water. "Don't know how you drink it so quickly. I just bought it two days ago."
Truthfully, V8 for some reason is the best drink in the world to Harry right after he cums... and he came a lot yesterday morning before going to class. "I like it." He shrugs his shoulders. And you.
Do you like me, too? "Then you'll have no problems buying a new jug of it today, right?" She smiles and bops her hip against his before walking out of the kitchen with her snack. "Preferably from Target. They have the fruit blend we like."
It's the next day (yes, Harry did buy more V8... and drunk half of it), and Harry spends his morning from 9am-10am putting on a show for his fans. He decides to get really dirty and starts off the show wearing only his boxers, palming himself through them and groaning lowly into the microphone. He stiffens up considerably once the comments come through - already gaining 200 viewers and he's only been live for less than a minute - and feels a drop of precum leave his cockhead once he reads one telling him how they'd love to suck him until he's whimpering.
Harry loves a good blowjob (and hasn't gotten one in a hot minute).
He teases his audience for a little while longer before pulling his cock out of the little flap in his boxers and slathers it in coconut oil. He focuses on the head, circling it with his palm, and he clenches the armrest of the chair for his fans to see, letting them know he's rock hard and aching.
"How's my fuck doll this morning? Di'juh wake up really fucking horny?" The throbbing in his cock is pulsating, and his words are slurring together as the feeling intensifies. He zooms out from his crotch and focuses the camera on his abdomen - a fan once telling him they love his tummy and like watching him cum on his butterfly tattoo. "I certainly did. M'rock hard, thinking about you." He points the camera back between his legs and doesn't say a word. He works his fist fast on his cock, letting the sound fill the microphone, and the comments are rushing in faster than he's ever seen. "Hear that? Hear how wet my cock is?" He continues to fist at his cock as he speaks, the schlicking noise in the background adding to the eroticism of it all. "I want you to know that you did that. You have my cock fucking throbbing, ready to cum at any second of the day." He feels a tingle shoot down his spine, into his toes, and he knows he's near the brink. "I'm gonna cum so much for you. I want us to cum together." His hand moves faster than before, and right before he feels himself begin to shoot, he pictures Y/N down on her knees, begging for his cum with her tongue out. He moans and groans, giving his all to his audience, and even bucks his hips up so it's him fucking his hand and not his hand fucking him. He keeps at it until he's milked his cock completely, gawking at the mess he's made on his desk - his cum splashed all over it - and tucks himself back into his boxers before ending the webshow.
What the fuck was that? I've never thought about her while filming; only when I'm jerking off alone... what the fuck?!
At least I didn't moan her name on camera.
Harry did a pretty good job avoiding Y/N when she got home from work. She told him she was so worn out, she wanted to watch a movie and eat a bunch of junk she'd regret tomorrow, to which Harry objected and said he needed to start his paper. She tried again, asking him if he wanted to get a pizza, and he said yes just so he could go pick it up and be away from her for half an hour (or 45 minutes according to Pizza Hut's busy night). He doesn't know why he feels so weird; he's came while thinking about her dozens of times, but for her to sneak her way into his head while he was supposed to be putting on his show... it freaked him out for some reason. Once he gets the pizza, he decides he needs some more time to himself, and sits in the car strolling through the tumblr that he's made himself for his webshow fans to follow (he only posts photos of his cock on there, maybe a sexy message or two). Once he's about to drive back to the apartment, his phone dings, letting him know he's received a message from one of his followers, Diana, who's a very loyal watcher.
Hey there, daddy. I really enjoyed your show this morning. It made me soaking wet ;) Have you checked out this camgirl? She's super hot and gets me going almost as much as you do. I bet you'd like her xx here's her tumblr: pretty.uni-college.girlx
Curiosity gets the best of Harry, and he clicks the tumblr handle he was sent. It opens to a pastel themed blog - very girly - and Harry's breath hitches in his throat when he sees the first photo of the girl. She's perched on her knees, a teddy bear between her thighs, and a collar around her neck. She's completely bare, her nipples hard and pebbled, and her lips are plushy. Harry saves the photo to his camera roll because he knows he'll be using it later tonight. He keeps looking through her blog, each picture absolutely filthy yet innocent, and he feels his cock swelling in his trousers. He comes across a video and decides to play it. Despite being alone, he peers around the parking lot to make sure he's completely alone.
He presses play, and the video begins. The girl's on her back, angling the camera above her body, switching between her breasts that she has pushed together with her forearms, and her pussy that's wet and swollen from her arousal. He surprises himself when he gasps, and he rewinds to catch something he isn't sure if he saw or not. A collage of posters is plastered on her wall behind her, similar to the one in Y/N's room, and once Harry sees the bookshelf next to it, he knows who the girl in this blog is.
"Fucking shit!" He hunches forward and pays all his attention to the video, watching his roommate play with herself between her thighs, and he can't ignore the pulsing in his cock anymore. He leans back, reclines the seat a bit, and takes his cock out of his pants. He can't believe Y/N has a blog dedicated to posting naughty photos of herself - her beautiful body on display for people to get their rocks off to - let alone a website for her cam shows (that, in her bio, says is $5/show and $50 for her Snapchat). He begins pumping away at his cock, the knowledge that he's getting off to Y/N's naked, gorgeous body sending him over the edge in no time, and he'd be embarrassed if he were coming this fast with someone else, but he's alone so it's fine. He angles his cockhead into a napkin that he grabbed from the console and shoots his sticky cum into it once Y/N cums in the video, her thighs shaking and her hand stuck between them as she clamps them together. His whole body quakes, feeling overly sensitive, and he looks back at his phone to see Y/N blowing a kiss to the camera before ending it.
I gotta get home.
Harry more or less stumbles into his apartment, kicking off his shoes at the entrance, and places the pizza down on the kitchen table. He shouts for Y/N but doesn't hear anything in return. Where is she? He strolls into the living room and spots her on the couch (probably missing her when first entering the apartment due to his aroused brain) curled up with the remote under her chin, her eyes closed, and the tv running a Friends marathon.
Probably fucked herself so good she fell asleep.
He grabs a blanket and gently places it atop of her frame, although it wakes her, and she knuckles at her eyes.
"Harry? You're back with the pizza?"
"Yes, baby-Y/N." He corrects himself promptly. Where did that come from?
"Baby?" She pokes his cheek as she sits up. "What's that about?" She leaves him, flustered, in the living room as she walks towards the aroma of the pizza. "I forgot we ordered stuffed crust!" She toddles back to the couch with the pizza box and plops down on the cushions. "You were gone for so long, like an hour."
Yeah, well, I would've been home sooner, but I was jerking my cock off in the car while watching a video of you playing with your cunt.
"Yeah, they made it fresh."
"S'a little cold, though", she says around a mouthful.
"Oh, is it?" He plays dumb and reaches for a slice.
Y/N swats his hand away. "Uh-uh, mister. Are your hands clean?"
I just got done playing with my dick... so probably not.
"I'll go wash them."
He watches her take another bite before rushing off to wash his hands, making sure they're thoroughly clean before returning. "All clean."
"Good boy." She says it nonchalantly, but it has a very different meaning to Harry that causes his cock to twitch in his pants. "Hey, I have a question."
"Shoot." He sits down right beside her and nabs a slice, trying not to think about being so close to her perfect tits he just saw for the first time on his phone.
"Are we okay?"
He chews slowly to process her words. "What do you mean?"
"S'like", she turns to put all her attention on Harry, "today... it seemed like you were ignoring me. And I know you have your paper to work on so I'm probably sounding really annoying, but... I don't know. It felt like you were mad at me about something."
"M'not mad." Just really fucking horny.
"You sure?" He nods. "Whew! That's been eating away at me all day since I got home from work. I thought I did something."
He massages her knee as comfort. "You could never make me mad, darling."
Her eyebrow raises at the pet name. "Baby and now darling? What's up with you tonight?" Please say you're calling me these names because you've secretly always liked me and then we can make out on the couch and you can take me to your bedroom and-
"I don't know." He feels a blush creep onto his cheeks. "Just slipped out. Do you not like it?"
"No, I do! S'just unexpected." She feels her own face get hot. "You've never called me names like that before."
"Maybe I should start, yeah?" He throws his arm around the back of the couch, getting more comfortable. "Pretty girl."
Y/N tenses up momentarily. "What?"
"I just called you a pretty girl...", he cocks his eyebrow in confusion. "Something wrong with that?"
"No... but why'd you choose those words?" Her eyes flick back and forth - obviously nervous - and Harry realizes those two words are apart of her tumblr handle.
His own face gets even hotter, remembering the video he got himself off to not even ten minutes ago. "I dunno... I just did." He decides he likes seeing her flustered and wants to milk it for as long as he can. "Is there something in particular about those words?"
"No." Her chest sticks out as she breathes, looking as if she may burst from all the thoughts going through her mind.
"You sure?" He scoots closer and leans his head close to her face. "Why do you look so... heated?"
"I don't, and I'm not." She looks at Harry's smirking mouth and almost smears her lips against his in a chaste kiss but refrains. He's never been as close as he is to her right now. "You're really close."
"Am I?" He gets closer and watches her eyes turn to saucers, looking as big and shimmery as ever. "Am I making you dizzy, pretty girl?"
"Harry", her voice is a squeak, making her sound flustered when she's trying to prove a point that she's not, and the tension between them is very intimate at the moment. "What're you..."
Harry may be taking this game too far, but he's never been this close to her and she looks so pretty under the dim lights of the living room and her lips look so puffy... so he kisses her. He leans in the remaining centimeters apart and pecks her lips as softly as he can to qualify the touching of their lips as a kiss. Y/N feels fireworks go off inside her tummy, screaming and kicking and doing flips internally because Harry's kissing me! Although, it isn't a long kiss. It lasts maybe three seconds before they part, and Harry's cheeks are even more pink than they were before.
"Sorry", is the first word out of his mouth.
"Don't-Don't be sorry. I liked it." Her voice goes high at the end.
"You're just saying that because I kissed you out of nowhere-"
"No, I-I did like it - really liked it." She chews on her lips when she notices his eyes are on them. "Did you?"
"Uh-huh", he says to her lips. "Did you?"
"I just said I did." A giggle accompanies her response.
"Oh, right." His cheeks darken. "M'glad we both liked it."
"Me too." They sit in silence for a few seconds, neither one knowing what to do, until Y/N leans forward and pecks his lips, a little more firmer than Harry had, and pulls away. "Did you like that one?"
"Yeah", his response is more or less just a breath. "I wanna keep kissing you", Y/N leans in for another peck, but Harry stops her, "but I need to tell you something first."
"Okay", she hums dreamily and lowly.
"I don't want you to freak out." Y/N raises her eyebrows and pulls back a bit. "I know about your blog."
"Oh." She responds quite quickly, faster than she thought she would; she thought she'd sit in silence for hours if someone told her they found her blog, but the fact that Harry's the one who's seen it, who's seen her naked body and much more... it turns her on a bit... a lot. "How long have you known? How'd you find it?"
"I, uh, stumbled across it today in my feed."
"You have a tumblr, too?"
Oh, no. "No..."
"Yes, you do!" She swats his bicep and presses her breasts to his chest as she gets up on her knees. "Tell me! You know about mine! S'only fair since you've seen me naked." Her pouty face sends Harry into a frenzy.
"Oh, come on. I didn't even go through the blog..."
"Yeah, right! I'm supposed to believe you didn't go through all my pictures when I see you occasionally look at my tits?"
Harry's a whole tomato right now. "You notice?"
"Duh! You're not very subtle."
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm some perv-"
"Too late." She smirks and plops down in his lap, feeling even more comfortable with him as this conversation went on. "So, tell me your blog name. S'no way your tumblr is dirtier than mine."
Wanna bet? "Oh, there's a way."
"Stop stalling!"
"Okay!" He takes out his phone from his pocket (a little tough since Y/N's in his lap, that has his cock swelling by the second and his heart fluttering) and reluctantly clicks on the app. He gives her his phone and covers his face. "Here."
Y/N takes the phone and scrolls through for a few seconds, most likely skimming past his dirty message posts, but a gasp that escapes her lips lets him know she found a photo of his cock. "Oh... oh my God! Harry!" She flashes his phone towards his face while squealing. "That's your... your dick?" She whispers the last word, out of embarrassment, and feels her cheeks tingle with a burning heat while she examines the photo.
"Yeah..." He feels a bit awkward, but seeing this pretty girl on his lap get all riled up over pictures of his cock is making him flustered. He likes the attention. "Do you, like... like it?"
Y/N's a bit shy, so she nods her answer while chewing on her bottom lip. He tries to take his phone back, but she yanks her arm away with a giggle. "No! I'm not done looking!" She grabs his hands and holds his wrists together, refraining him from snatching his phone back (but he's much stronger, so getting the phone back wouldn't be too difficult at all, but he likes watching her face light up as she comes across more and more pictures). "You're so veiny! And your tip gets more purply-red than pink like I would've thought."
"Like you would've thought?" He leans his face closer to hers and nips at her jaw. "You've been thinking about my cock?"
"No." She answers firmly in an attempt to sound like she's telling the truth, but he knows she's lying. "Here's your phone back." She begins to feel embarrassed, moving off his lap, and Harry lets her because he knows she likes to remove herself from awkward situations.
"Oh, babe, I was just joshing." He watches her walk to the kitchen with a little jump in her step. "What're you doing?"
"I need some water."
"Need to cool down after seeing my cock, huh?"
"Harry!" She arrives back and seats herself a bit farther away than before. "Don't say it like that. S'dirty." She fiddles with her sleeves after setting her cup on the coffee table.
"I don't think you have any jurisdiction to tell me what dirty is, Miss "I Hump My Teddy Bear"."
"Stop!" She rises up on her knees and swats him on his chest before covering her face with her hands. "Let's not bring this up again, okay? I won't ask about your work, and you won't ask about mine."
Harry's a little disappointed she went this route; he hoped she'd reveal some filthy side of herself tonight and he'd get to wreck her little cunt on the couch like he's dreamt about. But this is fine. "Deal."
She sticks up her pinky, and he chuckles before wrapping his around hers. "Good. That's settled."
They remain sitting on the couch with one another for the remainder of the night until Y/N falls asleep on Harry's shoulder. He carries her to her bedroom, Harry thinking she looks incredibly cute snuggled up in his chest, and lays her down in her bed. She clutches a pillow immediately, letting out a coo, and Harry sighs happily before exiting.
I wish that was me.
Harry knows he agreed.
He knows he agreed to not talk about her blog, or ask her questions about it, but he didn't necessarily agree to never look at it, right? Because he's scrolled through it every night - to jerk off - this week since Monday, now being Friday, and his friends are getting on his case about not going out with them at night to bars or dinner.
"Harry, you haven't hung out with us in a hot minute. What have you been doing that's so important, hmm?"
"Niall's right!", Liam chimes in, "You haven't as much as said hello to us after class this week. You practically rush out of the door after lecture."
"I've been busy!" Harry stuffs his hands in his pockets and shivers a bit from the brisk air. "Didn't know it was a crime to have my own life."
"It actually is in some third world countries who aren't as free-"
"Don't go all political on me, Niall." Harry huffs a breath and begins bouncing a tad to warm himself up. "Look, I'm doing something tonight with..." Harry scans his brain for a girl, any girl, whose name is familiar but not too familiar to his friends, "Sasha... yeah, she invited me over."
"Sasha? Isn't she dating that Isaiah fellow?"
"And I thought you and Y/N had a thing going on. She's been glowing lately. I thought it had something to do with you."
It's probably from her fucking herself in the morning before class to have more pictures to post on her blog. "N-No, Y/N and I aren't dating."
"Well, that's a shame. You two would look right cute together. Don't you agree, Niall?" Liam turns his head to see his friend ogling a girl's behind. "Niall!" He nudges his arm.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. Super cute. I'll be right back." Liam rolls his eyes at his friend's behavior and returns his attention back on Harry. "You know I'd love for you to hang tonight, mate. Y/N's coming, you know? Maybe you can try talking to her in a different setting, yeah? Maybe the party atmosphere will awaken something in the both of you."
Harry rolls his eyes as well. If only he knew about the two kisses they shared last weekend. "Maybe I'll stop by... I don't know."
"Think about it." Liam saunters off after Niall, grabbing him by his collar and dragging him away from the girl he was speaking to, making Harry stifle a laugh into his elbow.
On the walk to his car, he considers deeply about going to the party, or if he should just stay home and do a show since he'll have the apartment to himself. He chooses the latter.
Harry stands against his bedroom door as he watches Y/N scramble around to get ready for the party. She chose a tight, green dress, and Harry wishes he was the one to rip it off later tonight. She goes hobbling in his direction, trying to buckle the strap on her right shoe, already on her foot.
"Do my panties show in this dress?" She does a little turn, trying to smooth out the creases in her hips. "Like, is there a line?"
Harry is frozen, feeling a massive lump in his throat (as well as his shorts), and swallows to remove it. "A line?"
"Yeah, like, can you tell I'm wearing panties?"
"Aren't you supposed to be wearing panties?"
She does a little groan and shimmies her underwear down her thighs, grabbing them from her ankle. "You're no help." She waves the thin piece of material at Harry and tosses them into her room on the floor. "I'll just go without. It'll be fine. The dress is long anyway."
Harry takes a gander into her room when she looks away for a split second at her phone, noticing the panties lying on the floor, and he feels a lighting bolt in his crotch. "You're just gonna leave them there?"
"Yeah. I gotta go right now because my ride's outside." She gives him a little peck on the cheek (strictly platonic) and skips out the front door, leaving Harry alone... with her panties.
He feels a dilemma brewing inside him already, deciding whether to just go ahead with his web show and try not to think about his pretty roommate's pretty panties - how the powder blue lace has decorative flowers weaved in, perfect for his cum to splash against - or think to hell with it and borrow them for a wank tonight and forget about the webshow all together.
Fuck it.
He walks hesitantly into Y/N's room and eyes the undergarment for a few seconds before picking it up. The silkiness excites him, twirling his fingers around each design, and inevitably stretching the crotch of the panties open with his thumbs.
Her cunt touched this.
He thinks back to the numerous videos he's watched of her touching herself; how her wetness - her honey as Harry liked to call it - trickled down to her other hole, or how it pooled up and made her clit swell, begging to be rubbed in tiny circles. His cock plumps up significantly, tenting his sweatpants, and he needs to get to his room now.
But his mind is so muddled with filthy thoughts, he can't move.
He swiftly slides his sweats down to mid-thigh, his hard cock springing out and tapping his belly, little dollops of precum painting his skin. The swollen flesh between his legs is throbbing, moreso than ever, he thinks, and when he wraps a hand around himself, all sense is gone. He begins tugging at the base, watching precum ooze out and dribble down his knuckles, and he thinks momentarily he should use something to catch his cum when it's time.
He looks at the silky panties in his other hand.
No, don't cum in them. She'll surely be mad when she gets home and sees her panties covered in my spunk.
He brings the thin material up to his face, subtly inhaling the crotch area, and a low growl emits from deep within his jugular. He's too far gone now, and he can't help when his tongue darts out to wet the cloth, trying to taste any amount of her that he can that was obtained within the cloth, and his fist is flying up and down his cock in his heightened aroused state. He doesn't even hear the front door open.
"Harry!" Y/N screeches when she takes in the sight in front of her - her roommate who she has a major crush on is jerking off in her room... smelling and licking her panties.
"Y/N!" He drops her panties to the floor and urgently pulls his sweats back up over his hard cock, caving in on himself and running his hand through his long hair reaching past his shoulders - a nervous tick. "What are you doing back home?"
"What are you doing with my panties?" She picks them up from the floor and waves them in his face. "Do you do this every time you're home alone?"
"No! Of course not!" His face is beet red, feeling it creep down to his neck. "I don't even know why I did it tonight! I'm sorry." He droops his head down, his chin deep in his chest, as the embarrassment takes over.
"I don't understand." She moves to sit on her mattress and begins to remove her shoes. "Do you like me? Or are you just attracted to me?" Once the buckle is undone on both heels, she chucks them to the side. "Because sniffing my panties is a whole different kind of attraction," she giggles to soften the atmosphere.
"Can I sit?" She nods and pats the bed beside her. He sits down nervously. "I do like you." His eyes meet hers. "I guess it intensified when I found your blog? And I don't want to sound like some college douche who only likes you for your body - although it is beautiful," he watches her smile shyly and fiddle with her thumbs, "I've liked you for a while. I like everything about you."
Y/N's eyes narrow as she smiles. "Oh." Her voice is soft, and she feels her own face sprinkle with heat all over. "Why didn't you ever tell me before?"
"Because we live together. I didn't want to make anything awkward. Although, I probably already have." He tilts his head to the panties on the floor. "I'm sorry for that. I swear I'm not some perverted caveman."
Y/N giggles quietly and turns her body away from Harry, her back to him. "Can you unzip me?"
She just caught me jerking off with her panties, and she wants me to unzip her dress? "Uh, yeah, sure." With shaky fingers, he drags the zipper downward, gasping when he's confronted with the smooth skin of her back, and he feels his cock give an unprompted twitch when he sees she's not wearing a bra.
"Thank you." She rises from the bed and gives his cheek a little kiss, clasping the front of her dress closed as she stands over him. "I like you, too." She gets the words out quickly and turns to make her way to the bathroom, but Harry's long fingers wrap around her wrist.
"Woah, woah. You're not gonna tell me you like me and then just walk off like that."
"I need to change." Little light-hearted laughs escape from her lips, her skin tingling when Harry's mouth peppers kisses up and down her jaw as she's sat in his lap.
"Why'd you come back home, though?" He pulls his head from her neck. "You seemed excited for the party."
"I wanted to spend tonight with you." She paws at his chest while expressing herself, feeling vulnerable (sitting on his still very much hard cock in her skin-tight dress that has ridden up her thighs quite a bit is making her flustered as well) and exposed. "And I was hoping I'd walk in on you doing a show." She covers her face with her hands, feeling a bit ashamed and embarrassed, and leans into his chest.
"Oh, did you?" She knows Harry's smirking right now, and she does a little jump when his fingers brush against the skin on her back. "But instead you caught me doing something else..."
"You're nasty." She grumbles into his neck, nipping at the skin a bit, just enough to get it slightly moist.
"You are, too! Wanting to catch me jerk off on my web show. That's a very naughty thing to want to see." He flips them over hastily and brushes her hair from her face. "What if I want to see you do one of your shows, hmm? Would you let me?"
"Harry." She pouts and furrows her eyebrows, looking as adorable as ever, and he gives her a soft peck on her lips.
"I'm just asking." He chuckles against her lips as his hand travels underneath the hem of her dress, sliding up the soft skin of her inner thigh and stopping once he gets intimidatingly close to her private area. "Is this okay?" He asks the question into her mouth, watching her nod and hood her eyes as her arousal takes over.
"Yes." She gasps once the pad of his index grazes over her clit, feeling around for the wetness dispersed since catching him jerking off mere minutes ago. "Harry," she reaches down and grabs hold of his wrist, bucking her hips up to get the pace she needed for her high, and lolls her head back against the mattress when he slips two fingers inside her.
"You're so fucking wet." He sounds like he just ran a marathon, the beautiful girl beneath him making him winded, and he thinks back to her panties, how they smelled of her and tasted of her... and he really needs to taste her right now. "Can I eat you?" His lips are swollen from constantly sucking on her neck, noticing the various hickeys he created. "I haven't shaved in a while," he rubs his hand over his scruffy chin, "but I can-"
"No, I don't mind! I like it that way, anyway." She plays with his facial hair, and Harry tries to hide his uncomfortable state from thinking about another man's head between her legs. Of course she's been with other people... but he doesn't want to think about it.
"You sure? I don't wanna hurt you or anything..."
"I'm sure! Please lick me." She watches as he crawls down her body, hiking her dress higher on her hips so it bunches up at her waist, and he sucks in a breath when he's a mere inch away from her cunt.
"It's prettier in person", he remarks, referring to the pictures on her blog that he's gotten off to more times than he can count, and she lightly swats him on the head, his curls moving to the side.
"Now you won't have to look at my blog anymore," she laughs.
"Oh, no, I'm still going to look at your blog." He gives her one, long lick up her wet core, tasting her juices on his tongue, and her back already succumbs to the inevitable arching it was bound to do (typically a few minutes into oral, but Harry's damn good at it).
"Fuck." She feels her toes clenching automatically, loving the slippery-wet feeling and the bluntness of his taste buds on her folds, making her twitch every now and then. If she had known he was this good at giving head, she would've told him she liked him a long time ago. "Harry... I... I want-"
"What, baby?" He lifts his head from her sex, his chin glistening with her arousal, and she has to clench her eyes closed before she bursts from the sight.
"Can we... can you fuck me?"
Harry lets out a little coo, slipping his thumb between his lips to wet it for her clit, and rubs it in little circles while speaking to her. "Such a sweet girl. You want me to fuck you?" She nods vigorously, thighs attempting to shut when his thumb taps right on her hood. "Well, you'll have to wait. I'm not done with my little treat yet."
Y/N's head collapses onto the mattress, thinking she could cum from Harry's words alone because she already feels a fire burning deep in her loins. Twisting her fingers in his long hair, she gives little tugs when he licks exceptionally fast or when his tongue slips into her tiny, wet hole, clenching her walls around the skilled muscle and groaning into her folds as his hand palms over his cock tenting his sweats.
He wants to fuck her. Gosh, does he want to fuck her, but he's dreamt so many times about licking into this little cutie, he couldn't possibly cut it short.
"You're close, aren't you, baby?" He squeezes two fingers back inside her cunt, "Can feel you squeezing me. I know your little pussy wants to cum."
"Harry," She feels the fire in her belly ignite tenfold, spreading down to her sex in a burning, wet heat, and she gives one final tug on his hair with both hands when she cums. She hasn't came this hard in a while, and it's almost too much for her to handle. Shaking and trembling are her only bodily movements at this time, and she thinks she may fall off the bed if Harry's hands weren't steady on her thighs.
"You all right?" Humor flashes across his eyes as he asks her, and Y/N simply nods her answer, feeling too fucked out to speak. "Didn't break you, did I?"
"No," she exhales, "you're just really good at that."
He chuckles as he crawls up her body, planting a kiss on her cheek and grabbing her to pull into his chest. "You taste better than your panties."
It's the next morning, and neither Harry or Y/N have spoken about the night before. She arose early for work, planting a kiss on his cheek before leaving, and smiled when he whined about not having anything to cuddle anymore.
She watched the clock her whole shift, just wanting to be out, and eventually she was. (It felt like ninety hours rather than nine).
She sped home, wanting to discuss their... whatever as soon as possible. She knew he did his shows when she wasn't home, and calculated it so he could finish (in more ways than one) before she arrived back home, but a part of her still wants to see him... perform? She doesn't know why it turns her on so much to imagine him playing with his cock, but it does, and after seeing it bright red and hard last night, she couldn't get it off her mind.
Part of her wants to walk in their apartment, find Harry, pull his pants down, and suck his cock into her mouth, but what if last night was a one time thing? What if he only said he liked her because she caught him jerking off, and he didn't know what to say? It stresses her out, so much so she didn't even realize she had already made it to her apartment front door and walked in.
"Hey, babe." Harry walks towards her, the cardigan flowing loosely on his frame, and pulls her body to his in a tight hug. "Was work okay?"
"Babe?" She smiles ecstatically and swings her arms around his neck.
"Yeah?" His eyebrow tilts up in a confused, yet amused manner, smiling at her regardless.
"I'm just happy." She squeals, feeling all the stress and uncertainty leave her body and soul, feeling free and content. "And work was good! I kept thinking about you."
"Oh, really? Oh..." His voice deepens when the area between his thighs is squeezed in Y/N's hand. "And here I thought you meant you were thinking about me as a person," he pouts dramatically and bats his eyelashes, causing Y/N to stifle a laugh into his neck and pause her hand working between his legs momentarily.
"Of course I was thinking about you, too." She kisses his nose. "But I haven't been able to get this off my mind since last night. Can I see it? Please?"
Harry playfully bites at her nose, laughing when she crinkles it. "Who's dirty now?"
"You wanna hear dirty?" She brings her lips to his ear, her ego boosting when he nods eagerly. "I want you to fuck me in one of your shows. Do you think you would ev-"
She stops mid-question when he hikes her up and carries her to his bedroom, making her giggle behind his back and beg to be put back down. "Now? I already did a show while you were at work, but," he looks down at his swelling crotch, "I'm already hard again."
She removes his pants and presses him to sit down in his chair, removing her bottoms as well before climbing in his lap. "I want to be on top. I think me fucking you will be really hot for our first show, don't you think?"
Harry's eyes bulge out of his head, his cock swelling even more against her bare cunt. "First?" His mind goes a mile a minute thinking about the various way he'll fuck her for the camera, knowing she is too based on the glimmer in her eyes.
"Yeah," she drags her lips up and down his jaw, knowing it's something that turns him on after reading a few of his smutty tumblr posts, "is that okay with you?"
He grabs his cock at the base and swipes the tip up and down her slit, nudging it at her hole. "What do you think?"
"We have to log on to your website first," she breathlessly laughs into his mouth.
"Let's have a... rehearsal round, first, yeah? Then we'll go live."
"You just want to fuck me twice."
He lifts his hips to slip inside of her, whining when she whimpers into his mouth. "You know me so well."


RCredit to haaarry on tumblr

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