Hide and seek

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"One.. two... four.. seven, ten! Ready o' not, here I come" you hear as you walk down the stairs into the front room. Your daughter zooms past you almost running you over.
"Gracie, slow down my love. Where ya going in such a hurry?" giggling Grace puts her fingers on her lips "shhh mum, 'm looking for daddy. He is hiding and I'm lookin"
"Have you checked the back yard?"
"Good idea mummy" Grace runs out to the back to look for her dad.
Smiling to yourself as you walk into the kitchen. It was around 3 and you knew both Harry and Grace would be hungry for something soon. Apples and peanut butter were a favorite in the Styles household. Reaching into the fridge you pull out 3 apples and walk over to the sink to wash the apples. You can see your little Gracie, through your window, looking everywhere for her silly dad. Under rocks, around trees, in her play house, but she wasn't finding him. You walk over to the pantry to get out the peanut butter.
"AHH!" Jumping high into the air and screaming you can see Harry standing in the pantry with a massive grin on his face "did I scare ya sweetheart?" Giggling and showing off that dimpled grin you love so much.
"Harry" you put your hand over your beating heart "my goodness! You caught me by surprise!!"
"Sorry love, but that was funny!" Harry was still laughing when you got a smirk on your face and yelled "Gracie bug, I think I have an idea where your daddy might be hid..." Harry's hand went right over your mouth "shhh, don't help her. That's cheatin'. Nobody likes cheaters"
Rolling your eyes you ask "Can I have the peanut butter please?" Harry hands you the peanut butter and you close Harry back into the pantry then walk back to the counter. It wasn't 30 seconds later that your daughter comes running into the kitchen "Mum? I can't find daddy. Can you help?" Grace had the biggest pout in her face. Giggling to yourself you shake your head yes and point towards the pantry door.
Grace's eyes get big and she gets the biggest smile on her face, showing off that dimple that she got from her father. She slowly sneaks up to the pantry door and opens it with a grin "I got you" she giggles as Harry lifts her up high in the air and runs around the kitchen.
"Daddy put me down. It's my turn to hide" she yells at the top of her sweet little lungs.
"Oh Is it? One more time, then it's time for a snack okay?" He sets her down on the floor and gets on her eye level " 'm gonna count to 10 then I'll come find ya." he bops her nose and starts counting "one... two... three.." You feel arms come around your waist and warm breath on your neck "four.." then a kiss to your jaw "five" he turns you around in his arms "six" kisses your nose "seven" and your lips. Harry stops counting as he seems to be loosing track of the fact he is playing a game with his daughter.
"Hmm?" Harry hums as he kisses you again.
"Oh.. eight, nine, TEN!! Ready or not here I come"
Just like that, he ran off to finish his game of Hide-and-seek with his favorite little girl in the world.

Not mine

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