Family cabin

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Word count: 626

The faint crackle of the fireplace and the heavy raindrops hitting the windows were the only sounds you and Harry heard. The silence was comfortable between the two of you as you both sat on the small couch in the living room of the wood cabin you were spending the weekend in.
It had been years since you set foot in cozy wood cabin. Stepping foot into the place sent a feeling of nostalgia thorough you and accompanied you with only the happiest of memories. Images of you and your cousins playing Twister in the back room of the cabin while the adults talk filled your mind and the thought immediately struck up an idea.
"Can we do something crazy and kind of weird?" You said softly to Harry. His arm was draped around your shoulder and he raised an eyebrow in both confusion and fascination. "Wait here," you stated as you rushed out of the living room and down the back room where you and your cousins had played. As you opened the small handmade wooden cabinet in the back room a smile rushed to your face as you spotted the Twister box sitting on top of the shelf.
Proud of your findings, you headed back into the living room to reveal to Harry your big idea. You placed the Twister box down on the coffee table at the end of the couch and Harry let out a small chuckle.
"You're on," he stated competitively. He kicked off his shoes and moved them to the side of the living room. You opened the dusty lid to the old Twister game and folded the mat out on the rug in the middle of the room. Harry began to stretch as you kicked off your shoes and braced yourself for an inevitable win.
"You're going down," you said to Harry as you held the spinner in your hand.
"No, I believe that's you who's going down."
You shook your head as you flicked the arrow of the spinner. The arrow went around several times before landing on left hand red. Harry did the action and you spun the spinner for your turn.
"Right hand red," you announced as you placed your right hand on the red circle. Harry spun the spinner with his free hand and the color was red again.
"Right hand red," he said and he completed the action. A back and forth between spinning and positioning yourselves occurred when suddenly it all went wrong.
"I don't think it's possible for me to do this next one without things getting extremely sexual," you announced honestly as you observed the spinner. The next move you would have to do would put you right on top of Harry with your hand on the yellow dot right in front of his crotch.
Harry shrugged his shoulders as a playful smirk grew across his face. You positioned yourself correctly and within seconds Harry's hands connected with your waist. He pulled you down on top of him and his lips met yours.
His kisses were slow and taunting but Harry had motif behind his actions. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and you hated how he teased you sometimes. You cupped your hands on his cheeks to deepen the kiss but he continued to move his lips painfully slow against yours.
"Don't tease me," you mumbled against his lips and he chuckled. He continued to kiss your lips with the utmost control and slow movements. You huffed against his lips as his hands began to venture your body.
Since Harry was being a pest and he wasn't planning to stop the teasing you figured that two can play at that game.

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