Chapter 2-Guess Whose Ba-What Are You Doing?

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The air was cool outside as the autumn leaves drifted in the breeze after falling off each branch. Their crisp smell flew by my nose as I walked along the pathway to my apartment. I had turned my music up louder, bouncing on my feet to every step of Ricky Dillon's perfect vocals. His songs were so upbeat it was hard to not feel joy when listening to them. It was hard to not be happy, and that's what I was. I was happy. Especially, to be back, and to be able to see my sister again.

An orange and yellow leaf drifted casually in my hair as I turned to walk into the building. I decided to leave the leaf in my hair. I liked it and the autumn crisp that stuck with it. The slight few raindrops made joy well up even more inside me as I turned to take a few steps up the rusted iron stairs. I smiled brighter as I swung the door open and walked through the main hall of my floor, past several rooms before passing one room to the sweetest old lady I'd ever met. Mrs. Oats. She waved a good morning and smiled at me, kindly, I returned that smile.

"What the-" I said as I stepped up to our apartment. The doorknob was burnt to a crisp, "How in the world?" I put my hand on it and jumped back from the slight sting. "It's still warm..." I pushed the door opened quietly and turned the corner, the first thing I saw was a small male, brownish-pinkish hair in purple and yellow clothes holding two daggers. H-His horns... his orange horns are what drew me closer. "Impossible..." I thought. I kept walking forward silently, the next one-also a male, but much taller-had brown hair and wore a full blue cloak. He had blue horns. "They can't be real. S-She made them up!"  The final one I saw as I now stood behind the orange horned one was one in all green and black, his hair a messy, knotted white, and his horns an emerald green. He had two knives in his hands, attack stance, with Ava, right in front of him.

"B-Back off! O-Or I will hecking, hecking scream!" Ava shouted to them. While wielding, a frying pan. I shook my head. "At least she found a weapon..." Another horned man came out, wielding a sword about as tall as him. Like the blue horned one, he too was dressed in blue, a much lighter blue with some black in the mix. His hair was pure black and his horns. Were blue.

"Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream," The white-haired one said. That was it. That was the point for me. I. Lost. It. Not that I ever had it to begin with.

"EXCUSE ME!?!?" I shouted and suddenly the orange horned one jumped, pointing his weapons at me.

"Tris!" Ava shouted.

"You four have three seconds before I throw you out the window!!" The orange horned one stepped away from me, still readying his knives, as the one with dark blue horns put his staff away and let out a heavy breath.

"We mean you no harm," He said.

"I thought we meant all the harm?" The one with light blue horns said a bit confused. Really? Okay, yeah, just straight up ignore me!

"Please, we just need help and-" The dark blue one said again, this time he turned to face both of us.

"I saw you guys do magic," Ava said. The only expression on her face was shock as I slipped my hand into my bag to pull out my dagger. Don't ask. Tommy's idea.

"Look, please, we only come with peaceful intent to-" Again, he was cut off. It almost made me laugh.

"I recovered it," A deep voice said from, AVA'S BEDROOM! OH HELL NO! Suddenly, all I see is this super tall, buff one walking out, pitch-black hair, white horns with a gold band on one. Look you get the idea, they aren't human. "The source of her power."

"Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure," The light blue horned one said. Then-and I can't believe this happened next-he held up her bra. Her fricken bra. Ava's face the second she saw it was bright red and I had to smile-holding in my laughs as this Asch guy held it up.

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