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I kept on thinking about the kiss all day. The Forehead Kiss.

I could still feel the touch of his lips on my forehead. There was a strange sensation in my body since morning which I couldn't even explain, I felt dizzy, jittery and butterflies hadn't stopped flying in my stomach. I couldn't take that feeling away from me. And I didn't even know why I had been blushing since the morning.

I tried to divert my mind by doing some official task. I sent all the emails Xavier asked me to send; replied to some emails and arranged his schedule. I even did the work given by Daniel and Sean while sitting in the comfort of my bed. I cleaned my room and also cleaned other parts of the penthouse except for his room. I had never been to his room. Though there was not a single particle of dust in the penthouse, I cleaned it to divert my mind. I even watched business news to pass my time and to be aware of business affairs happening around.

It was ten at night and I was sitting in my bed, wearing a full-length pajama set. I was sitting there, hugging the big pillow tightly with my chin pressure on the pillow.

I tried to forget all of that, but I was unable to divert my mind as my mind was still there in the morning's event. His concerned-filled eyes, his caring act, that ....kiss... It was still lingering in my head.

I didn't know why he did that, why he showed concern, he didn't like me but still, I saw the worry in his eyes. I couldn't accept the fact that why he gave me lukewarm water and the icepack that too without asking for it. He did the thing that no one after my father did to me... He showed concern towards me.

I let out an exasperated sigh and laid down on the bed. I was going insane by thinking too much. My mind needed rest, I wanted to sleep. I glanced at the clock; it was half-past ten already but he was still not back from the party.

Believe it or not, I never sleep until I know he is back from his work. May it be midnight but I always sleep when I hear his footsteps as he passes from in front of my room to go to his room.
I feel uneasy until he is back.

Whether he accepted it or not, whether he wanted it or not but his last name was now attached to my name... Whether he considered me as his wife or not but for me he is my... Husband. It may have happened undesirably, forcefully but ..I was married to him and I respect the purity of this relation. And I feel worried until he is back to penthouse ..that too .. safe...

My heartbeat elevated when I heard the footsteps. He's back. I sighed in relief, he's finally here.
I knew, wanting him around when he doesn't like me was wrong but what could I do? I felt safe, secured, shielded when he's around. I was aware that he didn't feel anything for me, but to me, it was like he'd protect me from any danger.

Though he may have said many bad words to me, he never treated me like I was treated by all those people with whom I had lived, those who tormented me, who gave me pain, made me live in agony for years, who always treated me as worthless.

That's why his presence somehow assures me that he won't let anything happen to me... At least... physically.

Shutting all my thoughts, I snuggled into the duvet, engulfing the warmness provided by it. I closed my eyes and surrendered to sleep.

My eyes automatically opened in the middle of the night when my throat felt dry. I sat up on the bed with sleepy eyes and extended my hand towards the nightstand to pick up the bottle of water. I groaned when I came to know that the bottle was empty.

"Now I have to leave the comforting warmness of my bed," I mumbled sleepily. I glanced at the clock to see it was half-past two at midnight.

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