Rael x Reader Part 1

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Requested by: Anonymous
Hey it's been a while! Anyway let's do thisss
(This was after the epilogue btw so let's just say everyone's alive and together again)

It was time for lunch and you were a lunch lady! You had been working at Yeran Highschool for a while now and boy, were those school security guys attractive. Well, you didn't feel the need to be in a relationship with them especially since you all were friends so you saw them as older brothers instead.

You stopped zoning out and started serving the kids lunch with a warm smile. "Enjoy!" You said cheerfully. "And remember to throw your trash afterwards okay?" The kids nodded smiling back at you.

You were beautiful and so your line was always full with kids asking you for lunch and that often led the other lunch lady's a little jealous. You were oblivious though and just tried to ignore their glares.

(Raels pov)
"Who's that?" He asked M-21. "Oh that's just the new lunch lady that Frankenstein hired, her names (Y/n)."
Rael nodded still gazing at her. M-21 however noticed this and smirked. "Don't tell me your catching feelings!" He laughed also looking at (Y/n).
Rael blushed yelling, "I am not catching feelings towards (Y/n)!" Everyone in the cafeteria looked at him including (Y/n) who's face was just as bright red as Rael's face was.
He coughed speaking in a lower tone. "I-I mean she's beautiful but she's human and it wouldn't work out anyway, besides what if she has a boyfriend or husband?"
M-21 replied, "Oh no she's single! The only boyfriend and husband she'll have in the future though will be you." He snickered having fun teasing Rael.
Rael rolled his eyes, standing up to get back to his post once lunch finished. "I wish.." he whispered to himself.

(Time skip to after school)

Rael yawned then thought about you. The way your eyes shown in the sun, the way you smiled and your bright quirky laughter that could make anyone laugh along with you, your luscious plump lips- 'god dammit rael stop it!' He thought to himself. He sighed "The things I would do to have you.."

"To have what?" You asked genuinely curious.
Rael coughed in surprise, composing himself. "I-I uh.. Ramen! The things I'd do to have ramen!" He facepalmed internally 'way to go rael..way to go..'

Your eyes lit up at the word ramen. "I was just about to make ramen at my house today for dinner! Would you like to come have some?" You smiled, excitedly holding his hand. "Well? What do you say?"

Rael looked down at your hands touching his, "Sure."

(Another small time skip)

The trip to your house was fairly calm. You talked about school, work, and about how takeo's hair was super long.

You won't lie though, you did have feelings for this blonde. Sure he was rough around the edges and could be brutally honest, but to you he was just as kind as anyone else.

Not only that but he's incredibly strong and fast, it looks almost abnormal but you don't question it.

"Well here we are! My humble abode" you opened the door and led him inside feeling your shyness once again take over. You set down a plate for both you and him and a cup of water.

"Sorry..water is all I have, I don't have much money." You smiled worriedly.
"That's alright, I usually only drink water anyway" he blushed eating his ramen.

"Rael? If I may ask.." you fiddled with your thumbs looking down.
"Ask what?" Rael asked.

"D-do.." you sighed 'ask him (Y/n)! Ask him!'
"Would you like to go out sometime?! Like as in, do you wanna be in a r-relationship?"

Rael couldn't help but snicker at (Y/n) adorableness.
"It would be my pleasure." He took her hand and placed a sweet kiss atop.

(Y/n) blushed feeling her heart beat against her chest knowing she was completely in love with him. In love with someone who she didn't even completely know. In love with a stranger.

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