Father!Rajak x Mother!Reader

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Requested by @ThunderBreaker
Sorry for being gone but a sis is back for a while!
(S/n)= sons name

"(S/n), Come over here! Let mommy put your shoes on!" Hurriedly, he came almost as soon as you called him. He was only a toddler but he had most of his fathers abilities, so he was already far advanced for a baby.

You smiled, "Today is daddy's ceremony, arent you excited?"

He babbled "Guuu!!" Obediently he sat. Waiting for you to put his shoes on. Once you did you made sure to prep him a bottle and extra diapers; just in case.

(27 minutes later )
"Excuse me! Hi, yes sorry I'm late, traffic." You ran in with (S/n) in your arms, almost a second later and they would've locked you out of the school!

Rael grimaced at the baby. "Yeah sure but just make sure he keeps quiet..."

'Ew a baby.' Rael thought to himself.

Once you got inside you sat in your seat with (S/n) on your lap. He was playing with your hair and lightly yanking it while you waited for the ceremony to start. "Mama.." he mumbled sleepily.

"Yes baby?" You nuzzled your nose with his. "Is someone tired?" He only yawned in response. You laughed nodding. "Okay, go to sleep." You hummed a soft tune and soon enough he was napping.

ANNOUNCEMENT (frankie on the stage basically)
"Thank you all for waiting, now let's congratulate our staff for their hard work and dedication. This school is special in every way because of them and for that I'm grateful. But there is someone I'd like to give a shout out to. Please welcome Rajak Kertia!"

Loud 'whoops!' and applauds ran throughout the audience.

Rajak walked on stage with a stoic expression.

He spoke, "Thank you."

You scoffed before laughing "Really Rajak? Just thank you?" Your son awoke.

"Dadda!" He made grabbing motions towards the stage while he kept exclaiming 'dadda'.

"Yes sweetheart, thats dadda.." you smiled through your tears, he was so nonchalant and cool about everything but you really did love him, you were glad to be his wife.

Rajak glanced at your direction, giving a quick smirk for a glimpse.

(Le time skip)

Your husband walked up to you and (S/n), immediately bringing you both into a massive bear hug. He sighed in contempt before taking (S/n) out of your hands to hold him.

"I missed you..." you spoke through tearful eyes. He looked at you with a solemn look, as did (S/n). "Mommy no cry..."

Rajak took your cheek in his hand to hold your face up. "I apologize for leaving you both for so long, forgive me my love."

You gave a soft laugh, music to Rajaks ears. "There is nothing to be forgiven, I love you." You put your hand over Rajaks, that was still on your cheek and nuzzled into it.

He leaned down to your height to place a soft kiss on your lips. (S/n) giggled, "Ma..ma, dadda!" You both smiled "Yes, yes don't worry. Mommy will always have kisses for you too!" You said as you gave him a kiss on his forehead. This was bliss indeed.

Bonus scene

Rael, Takio, Seira, M-21, Regis, Shinwoo, and Tao watched the scene unfold.

"Wait wait, you're telling me that...that woman and Rajak, MY BROTHER. ARE MARRIED?!" Rael exclaimed in confusion. "No way my brother would ever marry anybody! Let alone have a smelly child!"

Shinwoo spoke up "Well I mean, he is older than you, doesnt he deserve to make choices on his own free will?"

Takio nodded "I don't see what's so wrong with it, they love each other but why didn't he tell us?" Tao nodded. "You're right...hmm...this is, suspicious.."

Seira rolled her eyes. 'They're all stupid.' She thought to herself.

Regis scoffed "I get he's powerful but does he really have to hide his child from us. That little-!" He was stopped by Seira who gave him one of her famous glares. He gulped stuttering, "fine.."

M-21 shook his head, "he must've had a reason, yes.." he tried convincing himself.

Rael sighed in annoyance. "My, you're all idiots." Before he left he got one closer look at (S/n).

He was chubby and had blonde hair with bright red eyes, his short nubby fingers reached out towards him.

"GWAK!!" Rael groaned, he had fallen from the tree he was hiding in. "How did he see me?! Hmph, annoying child..." as he left though, he couldn't help but think. Okay yeah he had to admit. (S/n) was adorable! But he'd never said that out loud.

Of course not.

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