Love Turned To Hate

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We passed each other in the hallway

Barely sparing each other a glance

It’s as if we don’t exist for the other

Since when did our love turn to hate?

Two people who talked Twenty four-seven

Who told each other their deepest secrets

Now barely talk

Why is it so?

We were like best-friends

Never without the other

We used to miss each other when apart

Now we don’t at all

I loved you

Maybe you loved me too

But now you have her in your arms

And I have my eyes on someone else

Never were out of words

Now we have hardly anything to say

I wonder if you wonder

Why our love turned to hate?

It was you

And maybe it was me too

We both messed up

And things turned upside down

Best-friends to almost-lovers

Almost-lovers to strangers

Will we ever be the same?

Why did our love turn to hate?

Since they day we parted

I’ve cried for you everyday

Have I ever crossed your mind?

Do you miss the old times?

You memories still haunt me

I still feel your touch

I miss our smiles

I miss our laughs

But maybe its too late

We both have drifted apart

And things will probably never be the same

Because our love turned to hate

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