Chapter Twenty Six

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"A baby girl?" Blaine repeated.

George smiled, nodding. "A little girl." He confirmed, typing away at his computer.

Blaine's smile was infectious, and I rarely got to see it but when I did, it made my stomach flutter with butterflies.

"I have printed out a few scan photos for you to keep. We need to arrange another appointment for a few weeks to see how the baby is doing." George said as he handed me an envelope with the scans in.

"There's a few concerns that I have," I began. "I have still yet to feel her move and as you know already, I have no pregnancy scent."

George looked at me, and bit on his bottom lip. "I'm not sure why you have no scent but all babies are different, I can tell on the scans that she is very much healthy. Hopefully, she'll start moving around soon." He said, reassuring me.

I pulled my top down, as I began moving from the hospital bed, hearing Blaine thank the doctor before pulling me out of the infirmary and through the pack house.

He held my hand, we both stayed silent knowing that there were plenty of ears in the pack house and we were yet to announce our pregnancy news. As we began walking through, I caught the sight of Mellissa, sitting on the couch. Her eyes moving from the television to catch my gaze.

The last two weeks had been awkward, she knew my secret and I had strangely noticed that I had been seeing her more often. Whereas before I barely noticed her, she seemed to always be around and it was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

She would smirk at me, or give me a look as if she knew something I didn't.

I decided it was best not to mention it to Blaine, it would only make the situation worse but as we began to step out of the pack house, she continued to hold my gaze, until her eye sight concentrated intently at my belly, a sly smirk appearing on face as she looked straight back into my eyes.

My stomach churned a little in concern but once again I brushed it off as Blaine gently guided me down the steps.

We were sitting in Blaine's office when the phone began ringing, Blaine looked at it.

"It's your father," He said pursing his lips in confusion and slight irritation before picking the phone up.

I was currently sitting on Blaine's lap and I sat very still as I attempted to listen to their conversation.

"Blaine, its Gabriel." My father greeted on the other end.

"Alright Gabriel, how can I help you?" My mate greeted back, his voice slightly tense. They were both trying to get along for my sake.

"First off, congratulations on having a baby girl. Kenny mentioned that you found out the gender on Sunday." I could hear the happiness in his voice, he was just as excited as we were.

Blaine looked at me, before answering. "Thank you," He was a man of few words so he left the congratulations as that. "What did you want to talk about anyway?"

I knew exactly what it was, the other day when I phoned my parents to let them know the news about the baby. My father had mentioned that Peirce was due to have a meeting with him on Saturday afternoon.

He wondered if it would be a good idea to invite Blaine and I, so we could all discuss Blaine's plans to overtake Pierces territory. It was unnecessary and ridiculous, it was a war that wasn't needed. Blaine had enough land but he always craved more.  

I agreed with my father, with a baby on the way there was no need to start a war. My dad told me he would speak with Pierce first, to see if he would agree to a meeting then he would phone Blaine.

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