Chapter Three

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Light was streaming onto my face, causing me to blink constantly wanting to force the sun light out of my face, unpleasantly awakening me.

I sat up and stretched before I noticed that I wasn't in my bedroom. Looking around I could see that I was in a dark large fancy room.

I began to feel a dull throbbing pain in the crock of my neck making me wince as I gently touched it.

It was then when everything came back to me. That I had accidently trespassed on another Alpha's territory and found out that Blaine Diesel was my mate.

I had pathetically attempted to escape from him only to be chucked over his shoulder and carried to his house and after an argument on whether or not I was going to leave, he forcible marked me.

I growled in frustration, kicking off the sheets before rushing into the bathroom which door was already open. I stared at the mark which now permanently stains the skin of my neck.

I growled as I saw a mark of a werewolf, the mark of a claimed wolf.

My wolf was yipping with happiness and pride whereas anger coursed through me. It definitely had me in a trance for a moment but I instantly pulled out of it the second I remembered what circumstances I came upon to receive this mark.

I was interrupted by a door clicking open, walking out of the bathroom I see Blaine standing at the end of the bed.

I watched as his line of sight went from my eyes to the crook of my neck a flick of regret and sadness shadowed in his eyes as he looked at me.

I could feel his guilt through our mate bond; I knew he was angry at himself for marking me without permission but I directed my sight, immediately looking away.

I stood completely still as he slowly made his way over to me. His presence made me feel nervous. He had a very intimidating atmosphere around him. He gently cupped my cheek trying to get me to look at him but I refused.

It wasn't until he grabbed my face in-between his hands, did I finally catch his gaze. I struggled to keep eye contact since he made me feel like I was drowning.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"It was wrong of me to do that. I should have never let my wolf take control and mark you without your permission. The thought of losing you, the day I met you wasn't an option but that doesn't mean I'm willing to let you go now. It would have happened anyway. You're mine and you're going to stay with me on my territory where I can keep you safe and out of harm. I will keep you locked in this house, in this bedroom to ensure that you stay here. You're Dark Apollos Luna now and plus your heat will be starting soon," I scoffed as he mentioned a females wolves heat "I will need to be by your side when that happens."

I laughed humourlessly at his shit apology; he basically told me that he wasn't actually sorry he was just saying it to make himself feel better. I didn't have the choice in the matter, seeing as I wouldn't be allowed to leave his territory anyway.

"All I hear in that speech of yours is you, you and you. You never once asked what I wanted, not only did you mark me without permission but you're now threatening to lock me in your bedroom refusing to let me leave." I shouted annoyed before I let out a small laugh.

"And, you most certainly will not be touching me when my heat starts. I will be leaving now."

"You won't be. You can try and run but I'll just catch you but I'm really am not in the mood to chase you right now," He warned in a deep determined tone.

I continued to be silent and chose to ignore him before attempting to route myself towards the door, as I managed to manoeuvre myself closer to the door I made a run for it but sadly failed when I felt Blaine's arms snake around my waist pulling me towards him in a haze.

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