Chapter Two

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Before Blaine could even take one more step towards me, I turned and ran.

I pumped my legs faster the moment I heard a thundering growl quake through the woods. I knew they were close behind but I continued to run, dodging trees and heading straight for the territory line.

I knew I had a chance to escape if I managed to get across to my father's land but there still was a chance that Blaine would ignore the laws of the territories just to catch me.

I wanted to turn around to see how far away he was but I continued running knowing that he probably wasn't far behind. Luckily, I had Alpha blood so I was faster than any of them, except from Blaine.

As I got closer to the territory line, my wolf began crying, trying to fight against the separation I was trying to put between us and our mate.

I refused to turn back. How could my mate be Blaine Diesel? I've heard the stories. They say he's a malicious monster with no heart. Too evil for a mate. He takes pleasure in torturing and taking lives especially after his father took his mothers and emotionally his. At the age of fifteen he trained his pack to be tough, to be the best.

The Dark Apollo is a powerful pack and was built to be ruthless and cruel.

I could just see the boundary line when I was tackled to the ground with a loud thump. But the person shifted me so that they would take the brunt of the fall causing me to be left without a graze.

I found myself being lifted off the ground with my back still leaning against a rock hard chest. I stiffened in shock as he twisted me around in his arms to face him.

I forced myself to look at him. We both stared at each other in silence neither of us saying a word. All I could feel was sparks shooting up my arms sending small warm shocks through my body. His fingers gently followed down the scar on my cheek but didn't question it but there was unknown anger reflecting in his eyes.

My eyes were glued to his face; waiting for a reaction, for him to say something. Not only did his intimidating figure look completely furious, a glint of hurt flashed through his emerald green eyes.

Even though I wasn't ready for a mate, let alone be mates with an Alpha a wave of hurt flew through my body. I bit my bottom lip anxiously as I continued to look into his eyes.

"Why did you run from me?" He lowly growled, his voice stiff.

Words were unable to leave my mouth, all I wanted was to get away. So I attempted to pull away from him, trying to squirm my way out of his grip. Only to have him growl possessively, not allowing me to move from his embrace. I growled back annoyed, pushing at his chest but he only tightens his hold on me.

"Let me go!" I whined as he gripped me tighter around my waist to keep me locked there while pressing me closer to his chest.

"No. You're my mate." He growled, taking in deep breaths to calm his wolf. He didn't like the fact that I wanted out of his arms.

Wolves are very big on companionship, and very territorial, especially Alphas.

I knew the story about how my parents met, that my dad rejected my mom and left her pregnant with me unknowingly. How they accidently bumped into each other four years later, and my dad discovering he had a daughter. Forcing my mother to come back to his territory, promising her to never let her go as she was his like he was hers. She soon gave up fighting him and fell in love with the man she always wanted.

I wasn't going to reject Blaine; I just wasn't ready to be fully his yet. I knew he would be a protective and possessive mate, only wanting me to be by him. Whereas I would want to stay on my father's land and attend college before mating and becoming the Luna of his pack.

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