Chapter 31

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I had felt sorry enough for myself so I found myself getting ready for work the next week.

I wasn't sure if Hunter expected me in but I hoped the office gossip would have gone away. We hadn't been in touch I was trying to get my head straight but it was now.

With Chloe's encouragement I knew what I had to do.

As I made my way up to his office I started getting nervous what is he didn't want me anymore. Had I waited to long, did he think I didn't want him.

Without glancing at anyone else I made a beeline straight to his office. Without knocking.

He was there, of course he was he was always here.
He looked tired and he glanced up to see me my breath faltered he was sick!

"Are you ok?" I rushed over to him as he frowned at my mothering.

"Yeah I'm fine" he muttered "what do you think is wrong woman" he said it jokingly but I could sense a tiredness.

"You look tired"

"Yeah I am" he admitted "I haven't been sleeping so good"

"You should have said something!" I sighed and be let my hands cup his face.

"No I'm fine honestly just a bit tired since you haven't been here to bring me my coffee" my worry died down as he joked around he mustn't be too bad.

"You must go home and rest!" I was still appalled he looked so very tired.

"No no there's work to be done" he muttered.
"Anyway your back then?"

"Yes I'm sorry I just needed time to process everything"

"Oh right so I can't wait any longer Bella sorry if this is upfront but does this mean we can be together now?"

My breath got stuck as I realised what he had asked. "You want to be with me?"

"Of course princess everything has always been so complicated but everyone knows now so what is stopping us"

To finally be with Hunter. Touch him how I want to to call him mine. "I'd love too" I smiled as he kissed me on the lips.

"What about work though" I asked when I caught my breath

"What do you mean you can still work here" he looked confused.

"I want to but people think I'm sleeping with you to gain something" I blushed I couldn't be made out to be like that.

"Who cares what they think I can just fire them" he smirked "let's just forget all this now" he pulled me closer and kissed me giving me tingling sensation down to my toes. I wanted him and if the bulge below was anything to go by he did too. He wasn't looking so sick now...

My hand wandered down his chest trailing down his tie. I loosed it bit as his hand grabbed onto my bum. I laughed as he chuckled at my surprise.

"God I've wanted you so much at work always in this tight little dresses" his hand skims my legs.

"Then take me" I whisper as he groaned into my mouth.

I jumped as his fingers pulled my dress up. This didn't feel romantic it was a need and I was more than happy for this rougher Hunter to take place.

"Always so sexy" he muttered as he pulled my thong down to my heel. He turned me around so I was facing his desk and he pressed up behind me. God I didn't know many times I had thought about this but now it was really happening. He pushed me down as he rubbed me down below. It didn't take long before I was ready for him.

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