Chapter 34

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Aidan takes the first guy flipping him over and kicking him out of the way. Emeric jumps in helping us as we wait for backup while Alex is still writhing in pain on the ground gasping for air. He'll be subdued for a few minutes as his body processes the pack abandonment, so I turn back focusing my attention on the rogue who won't back down and keeps trying to tackle me. I jump out of the way slamming my fist into his ribs, but it's like he doesn't even feel it. He lunges at me trying to tackle me again, but Aidan grabs him by the back of the neck before he can touch me.

I use that moment to look around for Fletcher. He's trying to stand up while clutching Tessa to his chest, and I can see his erratic breathing from all the way over here. He needs medical attention right now.

"When medical gets here take Fletcher immediately." I notify the warriors. Emeric points over to where Violet is in the fetal position on the ground. Shit, I forgot since Alex is her mate she would still be able to feel some of the pain through their mate bond. I dodge punches and kicks as I weave my way around Blake's men. As I reach Violet backup arrives and instantly gets to work disposing Blake's men.

"Hey are you okay? Do you need medical?" I look her over just to make sure she doesn't have any physical injuries to her. She tilts her head looking up at me through tears.

"It hurts so bad." She gasps out. I kneel down next to her rubbing along her back trying to sooth her in any way I can. She lets out a choked sob, and that's when I flag down one of the medics. The two women come over, and without another word pick her up to bring her back to the hospital. I turn to get back to Aidan, but Violet stops me by grabbing my arm. "Please don't kill him." She pleads. I nod my head assuring her I won't be killing him.

I rush back into the crowd to find Aidan and Emeric, but get tripped up by this asshole whom I faintly remember from Dark Moutains. He lundges for me catching me off guard  successfully taking me to the ground. I grunt as my back hits the hard dirt, and it takes me a second to recover. Thank the Goddess for my quick reflexes because he has a knife raised above his head ready to drive it into my abdomen, but I grab his wrist in one hand and use my lower body strength to flip him off me. He jumps up shifting mid air, but one of our warriors must have seen what was going down because he gets tackled before his paws even hit the ground.

Emeric grabs me by the shirt pulling me back and behind him as a new wave of Blake's men come charging towards us. I look above everyone to find Blake. The last thing I need is him getting away while we are distracted. Thankfully he's still situated behind a much smaller group of his top men. I know he's starting to get anxious by the way his eyes are darting around the field, and If we don't get to him soon he'll take off like the coward he's always been. I nudge Aidan with my elbow signaling towards Blake. He nods understanding what I'm trying to get at, and his eyes glaze over as he mindlinks a few of our warriors.

"Della gets Blake, but you have free reign on the men protecting him." They didn't need to be told twice. About thirty of our warriors break free from the sea of people battling it out, and rush Blake's wall of men, and it doesn't take them long to dismantle all of Blake's bodyguards . Oddly he doesn't move or try to run while they killed them off. He's just standing there smirking which is putting me on edge a bit.

I step up so I'm only a few feet away from him. I need answers right now, and he's the only one who can give me those answers. If he thinks I'm going to let him get out of this quick and painless he's fucking stupid. He took away eight years that I could have spent with Fletcher, took away my ability to have a semi normal childhood, and took away my hope of having a mate for eight years. I'm going to take away the possibility of what he's always wanted, and that's complete control of everyone. His greatest fear it seems is that I will become stronger and more beloved than he ever was. Problem is he's become blind to issues around him because of his thirst for power.

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