8 : Call the cops

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You don't want you bestfriend implied in this so you called the police.


You click on these different buttons.The phone vibrates.After about fifteen seconds someone respond :

- Hello, here's the the Police service ! What's your location's details ?
- I live at the 2050 Baker Street close to the Costco Store.
- What is your name your sex and age ?
- My name is [Your name] and I am 21 years old I am a women.
- Okay, What's your problem?
-My boyfriend is in my house and he tries to kill me.I am in my basement right now calling you with an elder phone.
- Okay stay calm we will bring you some police officers.
- All right...
- What's your number ?
- 514-223-3521
- Okay

*Bong*.That the sound of the door being dumped.Your boyfriend has find you.He knows that you're in the basement.That makes you feel more afraid.Your breath is going faster you responding faster and faster to the agent :

- Please...*breathing*...come...*breathing*...fast.
- Breathe..Breathe.We're coming like I just said to you stay calm and nothing bad is going to happen.
- Okay...*breathing*..bye.

You put down the phone and begin breathing.You breathe in and breathe out many times like the agent said.You close your eyes thinking about these days where your former boyfriend was the best man in the world,kind and funny. "Ah these old days" you said in your head.

*BOOOOOOONGGGGGG !!!* there's is the sound you were fearing the most.The basement's door breaks and you boyfriend begins to approach more and more close to you.


At this moment...

A car's door is close.The police has arrived....

What do you do ?


You go on the next chapter...chapter 10 :)

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