Chapter 1

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Rachel POV:

It's been 2 years. She came into my family's life. I didn't think there could be anyone to break our love and marriage. I didn't even think this could happen. But, both my husband and son wants nothing to do with me and left me for her.

Believe me for outsiders I look like a Villain who got into the life of a loving couple like Chris and Natalie. And a villain with an ending.

Natalie is a millionaire and even her studies are excellent she studied at Harvard University and knows 4 languages and is a chef. Her looks are great she still looks 25 but she is 29. She is tall and sexy. And easily get one into her hand. She is the only daughter of her family. She is a celebrity in New York.

Chris mother always loved Natalie to be her daughter-in-law as I was no one for her. She hated me for my background. As for her, I took Natalie position.

They always hated me as a gold digger. Who used looks to marry a millionaire. But, it didn't hurt as I was in love with him. I never loved wealth or materialistic items.

I thought Chris was the one for me in this life. When I married Chris I was so happy to the point I was not an orphan anymore. And, when my son was born I had a Complete feeling. That day was the best moment of my life. We lived happily for 3 years until she came took everything from me.

I tried to fight for my son and Chris but I got to know I was losing a fight before I started a fight. Because Chris has already decided that he doesn't love me as he loves her.

Even my son Blake a five-year-old hates me I don't know why? I tried to make it up to the boys but both got far away from me the more I tried.

I'm a doctor. A surgeon in the profession. But, so I can only complete my post-graduate when I submitted the thesis but I was pregnant with Blake so I soon complete my thesis a year earlier.

Getting pregnant was want Chris to want but I did for him. Even though we planned a year later after marriage. After giving birth I got some pounds lost my shape and I didn't get time to reduce my weight between my son and profession.

Back to the main point

Chris want a divorce from me and our relationship started breaking when Natalie came into our life. I found also Chris cheated many times on me for the past couple of years.

I never thought he would do that to me. His reason was " Listen, Rachel, I still love Natalie and I don't love you anymore let's end this marriage"

And, he also said this " Rachel do you think because of Blake I wouldn't divorce you. If I want I can get full custody of him. He wants Natalie as his mother. Look I have been waiting for the past 18 months for divorce if you don't sign this time I will take you to court." These were the words I got from our last meeting.

Even Rachel mother's pressure me to get a divorce and tells me to know my limits. How can I give up my love? How can I give up my marriage? How can I give up my son?

I am truly am an idiot to love Chris and to marry him. He replaced me easily.

I tried all the ways to fight but I lost every time.
I last saw my son 3 months ago and my husband 1 month ago. They don't live with me. They moved out and I'm in this big house all by myself.

I can't even see my son on his birthday. Soon they forget me.
I hope they live happily and I will miss them for sure. Now I'm going to call my lawyer to end this once in for all.

"Hi, Rachel" Travis is my father-like figure to me. I called him because he's my lawyer.

"Hello, Travis." I greeted him back. It's time to tell him my decision. As my husband lawyers pressure him.

"Have you decided?" Travis knows me too well.

"Yes, please call my husband lawyer to fix the date to Monday." I take a deep breath. "Travis but I have a condition I need to meet my soon before I sign." I wanted to meet him one last time because I don't know when I will be able to see him.

"Yes, I can do that" he takes time before asking. "How do you want to divide the custody and are the alimony or do you need something?" He asks to make to finalise the draft. He also knows Rachel is not materialistic and a good person.

"Travis please follow this what I'm going to say and don't try to persuade me." Always tells the list of details to be done.

Travis got shocked by what I told but he knows whatever he tells me will be useless. He frowned. " I'll do this but let me tell you to ease my heart you should be selfish sometime." He spoke uneasily.

"Thank you. See you on Monday." Rachel ends the call. And started packing things. She going to leave this house, city and state maybe country.

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