Chapter 11

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Emma (Chris's elder sister)

Emma POV:

2 hours ago...

Hearth Restaurant, New York City.

I'm at my restaurant now. Managing the accounts and team. I have started this restaurant 3 years ago and it's become New York City's top 10 restaurants today.

I'm am waiting to get Michelle Star. That's been my dream.

My kids are at school now. After this, I need to pick my kids up.

"Andreea, take care of the rest. I will leave it to you." I said to my restaurant manager. The next step is to my kid's school.

"Yes, mam," Andreea said. After that, I left my restaurant.

My phone rings...

I look at the phone it's Ms. Walker. Blake teacher in his school.

Why is she calling me? I gave her my number to call me if something happened to Blake. I don't trust Blake with Natalie. So, I gave my number to call me in an emergency.

This is the first time she called other than I asked about Blake's report in school. I sometimes call her to check Blake on school.

"Hello, Ms. walker. Is everything is alright with Blake?" I ask her thinking something might happen to Blake.

"No, Miss Emma. Blake broke his classmate's nose and he almost got expelled from the academy." She tells me and I'm shocked.

"What? Please tell me everything that happened." I asked the event of what happened so I can know.

"It's like this." She explains to me everything that happened including my brother visit to the school and the agreement he come with them.

"Thank you, ms. Walker. I will take care." With that, I ended my call.

I need to pick up my kids and go to my brother's house.

I need to visit my dear brother now...

2 hours later...

I went to my brother house along with my kids which is 2 hours after I picked them at school and went to my brother's mansion.

I didn't tell him I was coming. I need to give him a good beating and talk.

I reached his house. Left my kids to the butler James. And went to my nephew's room.

As I walked, I heard the conversation my brother and nephew talked about.

I hear their conversation secretly because they won't tell me if I ask. To, know everything I hear them secretly.

After 30 minutes of hearing their conversation. I can't hear it anymore. Now, I know why Blake turned against Rachel his mother.

I can't believe my mom and Natalie planned and brainwashed him. For, god sake he's just a kid. How can they manipulate him? How can they separate a mother and son?

I am disgusted with my mother. How, can she do this. I know my mom loves Natalie more than her kids but this is not right.

Natalie that bit*h. I won't let you get your ways this time. Even, if Chris supports and trusts you I'm not going to let you off easily.

Chris, I know he's an idiot. But, this is all his fault.

As I hear their conversation I planned to go in now. Tell what Chris did to Rachel and who fault it is.

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