03: Xiao Zhan's Lover

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Your President is a Stalker!
03: Xiao Zhan's Lover

I am well aware that there are two pair of eyes who kept on staring at my sleeping face anticipated for me to say anything and damn, the 'staring' part bothered me a lot.

"What am I? Corpse in a casket? Stop looking at me like that!" I opened my eyes and abruptly rose up from my sleeping position.

Yu Bin, one of the trio bff I have and the school doctor surprised expression stretch my lips. I beamed. "WHAT?"

"You've been unconscious for hours after being electrocuted by an electric eel." The doctor informed, in a professional way.

"I know. I don't have an amnesia, chill."

"Are you okay?" My best friend asked worriedly as he sat on the chair near the bed.

Truth is, I woke up an hour ago from that unrequired unconscious state after being bitten and shocked by that devil fish but I wanted to rest more so I did take time to sleep.

"Yeah. As you can see, I'm alive and I'm taking my revenge to that electric eel!"

"You'll kill it?!" Yu Bin's fear-stricken eyes looked at me.

"Eels are meant to be eaten, bro. Let's go. I'm hungry. Zhuocheng and Ji Li are still here in school?" Just by thinking about the fish, my stomach growled louder.

He silently nodded.

I swiftly wore my Nike sneakers from the clinics floor and jumped off the mattress.

After we bid goodbye to the female doctor, Yu Bin and I trotted to the school ground that presently deserted. Kiosks and tents are all locked and closed. "Where is everyone?"

"It's already midnight, Zhan. No one is strolling around the school anymore." Yu Bin waved at Zhuocheng and Ji Li who waited in the gates. We walked to them.

"Fuck! I didn't get the chance to eat braised eel with garlic! I'm so hungry!" I said in frustration, stomping my feet.

"Stop the tantrum! You are really unbelievable! You've been hurt by an eel and you are still thinking about eating one." Zhuocheng patted my back.

"Eels are nutritious, Cheng. They are rich in sodium, protein, water, carbohydrates, vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. They can rejuvenate our body, decrease bad cholesterol, good for eyes and brain, reduce chance of diabetes, make our bones stronger and prevent anemia." I counted the benefits I can get from eating eels using my fingers.

"You're lucky that eel has small size form and stayed submerged into the water. Eels that go airborne are dangerous. Water helped disperse the electricity and made the impact of it bearable to you. And thankfully Zhuocheng flung that cotton towel in time for you to gripped it and get it out from your arm. Do you know that if an electric eel is airborne while attached to someone, more of its voltage travelled straight to the body of its victim and may cause death?" Yu Bin informed us and showed the information he just discovered on his phone.

"Why is it that Zhan fainted if the eels electricity is tolerable?" Zhuocheng asked our researcher.
"And for the record Zhan I'm the one who caught you when you passed out."

"Whatever." I glared at him.

"Because of the maximum adrenaline he felt to the situation." Yu Bin's glimpsed at me.

I laughed and clapped my hands, "Alright. Alright. Stop. Your words are urging my brain to self-destruct."

I stole a look at the person from the back of an old oak tree a few meters away from us.

Your President is a Stalker! [YiZhan Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now