All the Time in the World

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Seven rubs her head as her and Five walk down the hall

They see Three

"Hey." Three and Five say at the same time

Three tosses something to Seven

"Painkillers." Three tells her

Three makes a hand motion through the air and Adrian flies forwards

"What--" Five tries

"Yes, it is a fine morning, and no, it's not a faulty relay switch." Three says, passing the Android who's fixing some of the ship. "I didn't take it. Check behind the night stand." Three tells Two


Seven rubs her head as her and Five walk down the hall

They see Three

"Hey." Three and Five say at the same time

Three tosses something to Seven

"Painkillers." Three tells her

Three makes a hand motion through the air and Adrian flies forwards

"What--" Five tries

"Fine morning, yes." Three tells Android. "Faulty relay switch, no. I didn't take it." He says to Two. "Check behind your night stand."


"Hey." Three and Five say at the same time

"Meds." Three tosses some to Seven. "Check behind your night stand." He tells Two ."It's not a faulty relay switch. It's an accel It's an acceleration translator ometer."

"What?" Android asks

"Shit." Three groans


"Hey." Three and Five say at the same time

"Meds." Three tosses some to Seven. "Night stand." He tells Two. "One of the accelerator particle something or other What's it's got caught behind the something. Blew. Shit."


"Hey." Three and Five say at the same time

"Meds." Three tosses some to Seven. "Hello." He says to Android. "I don't know. I wrote it down."

"This is blank." Android says after looking at the tablet

"Reboot." Three groans. "Shit!"


Seven and the Android are in the bridge, fixing one of the computers

"Sev, we need you in the mess." Two says through the comms

Seven walks in with the Android behind her

Three is sitting there

He starts speaking French

"What a time loop?" Seven asks, looking to Two

"When did you learn to speak French?" Two asks, directing her focus to Three again

"Today." Three says. "That's what I'm saying. I'm trapped in a time loop."

Two looks to Three

And then to Seven

And back to Three

Then she laughs

"You had me going there." Twos ays

"No ugh!" Three groans

"If anyone needs me, I'll be effecting repairs to the ship." Android says, about to leave

Number Seven //Book Three// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now