Chapter 8

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Castiel was sitting in the fields on his own. He was waiting for Gabriel to come back with the supplies from earth but he was enjoying the time to himself that was until Lucifer popped up next to him,

"Hey Castiel" He said, sitting down beside him,

"Hey" Castiel said,

"What'cha doin?" He asked,

"Waiting for Gabriel"

"Where's he off to?"

"Getting supplies for our next prank"

"Oh he's getting supplies? Normally they're improvised, who's he going after?" Cas looked up at him, "I won't tell I promise" Lucifer leant down so Cas could whisper in his ear,

"Michael" Cas whispered. Lucifer sat up again and smiled,

"Well" He smirked, "Oh this is going to be fun" Cas gave a little smirk too. It wiped off when his mother came up to them,

"Castiel, I could use your help" She said. Cas tilted his head at his mother,

"My help?" He asked,

"I'm sure you remember Jack, Lucifer? My grandson that you forgot to tell me about" She looked to the older brother,

"Oh Jack yeah. That was an interesting experiment I never got to test out" He said,

"I would like to meet him. He is family"

"I haven't kept track of him since his birth" Lucifer said, "Once we all were reunited I just wasn't watching him"

"But the Winchesters were. They're keeping him in that warded bunker of theirs. I don't know where it is but, Castiel, you're very familiar with it. Go get your coat, we'll be leaving soon" Castiel scampered off to his room,

"You don't need his help, you can just poof in" Lucifer said,

"Shh" Rose replied, "A bit of fresh air will do him good"

"Wish Jack well for me"

"You not coming?"

"Nah, the Winchesters would have a fit. I'll hang back" Cas came back with his trench coat around him. She smiled, he looked adorable in it. Though it has shrunk in size, the sleeves were still a little long on him and it was a bit big around the body. It remind Rose of her time on earth, when human mothers used to say 'you'll grow into it' and she was happy to spend some time with her son. They head into the garden, the main gate to heaven and wandered out.

"Where to?" She asked, already knowing the answer,

"Lebanon, Kansas" Two seconds later and they were in the town, walking along the street. Rose picked up little Castiel's hand as they walked along the street. The odd human smiled at the pair as they wandered through town, "It's outside of town" Cas said,

"Ok honey, lead the way" Rose followed along willingly. As the houses around them started to disappear to empty fields around them, she had to wonder how far out it actually was. Sure, she knew the place but walking there seemed quite a lot longer than what she originally thought. Eventually, as the sun was starting to set, the old building came into view. Rose knocked on the door and they waited for an answer. Eventually Sam poked his face out with a gun behind his back, "Hello Sam" Rose smiled. He put away his gun and let her in,

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked,

"I've found out I'm a grandmother" She said heading down the stairs,

"Hello Sam" Cas said and Sam jumped slightly, not noticing the angel below his eye level,

"Cas, hey. How've you been?"

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