Chapter 11

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It was cleanup time. Both angels had flat out refused to clean up the other brother's pranks so their rooms were still a mess. Anything left out in the open had already been cleaned up by some other poor sibling that possibly hit the tripwire. Gabriel was in Lucifer's room, clearing up the paint, glitter, sand and whatever else he'd used while Lucifer was trying to dry out Gabriel's room and tensely remove the huge spider he'd placed in there,

"Joshua, what do I do with this?" He said, his body stiff and frozen in place while he held this huge tarantula in his cupped hands. Joshua looked over and his eyes widened,

"Where did you get that?" He asked,

"I made it on the spot, please tell me where to put it before it moves" Already the spider was making its way up Lucifer's wrists, "Quickly, I can't hold it for much longer"

"Uh" Joshua was stumped. He was trying to think where in the world it was from so he could place it there but Lucifer's unwillingness to stay still means he had no time to really study it. He had to take it off Lucifer. Once he had however, Lucifer didn't stick around to help him relocate it and took off. Joshua peered over it, trying to identify it from its markings. Luckily another bug enthusiast came along, "What spider is this?" Castiel took a look over the large dark body, peering through Joshua's fingers at the white markings,

"A striped-knee I think" He said, "What are you doing with it?"

"Lucifer made it to get Gabriel" Joshua replied, "Then he couldn't even hold still while I was trying to figure out what it was"

"Can I?" Cas gave a small smile as the spider was passed to him, Joshua also smiled. Boy he missed just being able to talk bugs with his brothers. He'd been a little busy with the garden that he hadn't had time,

"Hey Cas? Have you seen- AHHH!!" Gabriel jumped back on seeing the tarantula. It looked a lot bigger in the five year old's hands, "WHAT IS THAT??!!"

"Gabriel, please don't shout. You'll agitate it" Joshua replied,

"It's a tarantula" Cas gave a smile,

"Since when did they grow that big?" Gabriel replied, still hiding behind Joshua,

"Since always" Gabriel shuddered,

"Oh just put it on earth somewhere" He said,


"I'd love to put it in the bunker and see how Sam and Dean would react"

"Oh, they'd love to see it" Cas replied, "What do you think Joshua?"

"I think we should bring it back to its natural habitat" Joshua led Cas by the shoulder to heaven's gate to release the spider into the wild. As they came back, Gabriel and Lucifer had finished their cleanup and were tired. That's when their mother decided to go for a whole family picnic. Both older brothers whined when given responsibility to look after their younger brothers,

"Come on now, we should be able to do something together as a family" Their mother said with a sly smile as she knew they were just finished cleaning. Too bad, most of the younger angels were already getting excited about going to earth again. Michael smiled and nudged Raphael. Raphael too smirked,

"Mum's done that on purpose" He mumbled to his brother. As they headed down to earth, their father made vessels for any angel who didn't have one, sure Hannah was still Catherine, Cas was still Jimmy and Lucifer was still Nick but some like Joshua had never taken a vessel. They landed on a grassy hill, somewhere outside of Illinois. It was pretty remote so the younger ones could play and not attract the attention of humans. As they settle down together, the kids all split up. Lucifer just lay back on his back with his eyes closed, soaking up the sun, while Michael started to count. Gabriel joined the younger ones in their game while Raphael joined Michael. Once both archangels reached twenty, they opened their eyes and looked around, not a fledgling in sight, "Alright, here we come" Michael called out,

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