Chapter 10

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The war had started and many were caught in the crossfire. It wasn't all bad. Sam and Dean got involved with refugees. It's just a funny way of saying many angels were hiding out on earth. Rose came down and actually saw Lucifer in the bunker. The boys were reaching for their guns but he was no threat to them. For one thing, he wasn't how they were used to seeing him and two, it's hard to feel threatened by someone who has their younger sister climbing all over him,

"Hannah, ahh, you're pulling on my wings" He was saying,

"Come away Hannah" Rose lifted her off him. She was smiling and once placed on the ground, she rushed off to explore the bunker,

"Hi" Lucifer said to Sam and Dean,

"What are you doing here?" Dean asked, his eyes narrowing in on the archangel,

"Mostly hiding out from Gabriel, I sure have missed you two. Heard you were taking care of my son" The two brothers looked at each other,

"Hiding from Gabriel?" Rose smiled, "You started that prank war, you don't think you can end it?"

"Of course I can end it, Gabe's a couple centuries younger than me. I just want some downtime and Gabriel messed up my entire room"

"You coloured in his entire face, arms and legs with markers. Poor Samandriel didn't even recognise him, he got so scared" She looked down at the sleeping fledgling in her arms,

"Well, why are you here mum?" Lucifer asked,

"Looking for your brothers and sisters that have fled heaven"

"Wait. What's happening?" Sam asked,

"Prank war" Rose said, "Between him and Gabriel. The rest of us are collateral damage. Aside from Hannah, are there any other angels here?"

"I think I saw Anna here" Lucifer said,

"Anna came with a group of young kids" Dean said, "They're in the library" Rose smiled, following the boys to the library where Anna stood with Uriel, Sophia, Holly, Ezekiel and Bartholomew, "Place is starting to be like a refugee camp for angels" Dean muttered,

"I'll put up stronger angel warding. Hopefully Gabriel can be convinced to stop the prank war by now" Rose looked back at her second eldest son, "Looks like Lucifer's sick of it too" Samandriel yawned in her arms as he started to wake up. He squirmed to get down and once on the ground he spotted Hannah hiding in the doorway to the kitchen,

"Hannah" He toddled over to her and she ran off again. Samandriel took up chase across the bunker,

"Anna" Rose called to the eldest daughter in the crowd. Anna wandered over to her, "We should get everyone back. This is Sam and Dean's home after all, not ours"

"But it's a lot easier here. Back home, we have to watch out for traps"

"Your father is speaking with Gabriel now and Lucifer is ready for a truce"

"What? I didn't say that" Rose turned to give him a sharp look, "Truce sounds nice" Lucifer nodded, "Truce it is"

"Come on. Let's round everyone up" That's when Castiel appeared, looking super relieved,

"Anna, I've been looking for you. Gabriel said he'd stop the pranks if Lucifer stopped" Rose smiled,

"Alright. Everyone here?"

"Hannah and Samandriel are still running around here some-"

"Cassie!!" Castiel turned to see Samandriel running towards him at full speed with Hannah chasing after him.

"Oof" Castiel let out as Samandriel bumped into him, he was unmoved until Hannah quickly changed as she was unable to stop in time and Cas stumbled back. He and Hannah were similar ages so Cas was still able to stay standing,

"Gotcha" Anna picked Hannah up before she could run off again. Samandriel wasn't going anywhere as he climbed onto his big brother's back. Uriel came over with a smile,

"Boy am I glad I'm not you" He said, noticing the tired, long suffering look on Castiel's face,

"Careful" Holly sang, "Hey Sammie, wanna see your big brother Uriel?" She teased. Samandriel too was laughing as Uriel hid behind Holly,

"Take her, she's taller" He said before both were getting picked up by their mother. Anna was still holding Hannah so she had her hands full but Ezekiel was luckily close to her age and took Bartholomew. The pair flew back home and so did Anna and Hannah,

"Let's go!" Samandriel declared,

"You're sitting on my wings" Cas said, giving an annoyed flap of the wing that was free. "Ow" Lucifer sighed looking at his mother,

"Do I have to?" He whined,

"While Gabriel's in a negotiating mood, yes. Come on" He picked up Cas and Samandriel and the pair disappeared and Sam and Dean were just standing there,

"And here I thought we were done with angels" Dean sighed,

"Dean, we're raising a nephilim. We're never done with angels" Sam replied.

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