Sirius Black... therapist?

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As the week bore on, all our teachers seemed intent to remind us that this was our OWLs year and we should all be putting our education first. However between quidditch practice, classes, dress-making and ensuring Allegra doesn't get into too much trouble I was suddenly feeling a bit stretched out.

"I don't know how you do it." I jogged to keep up with James stuffing some bagels in my pockets for the journey to the classrooms.

"Do what?" He asked peering down at me, his long strides proving near impossible for my five foot three body and tiny legs.

"Keep up with school work AND quidditch AND all your maraudering." The whole The Marauders stunt was beginning to have less of an effect on the boys however I could still feel Peter flinch every time I mentioned it.

He laughed. "It's not that difficult. I just don't take on as much as you do."

"We do the same amount? Plus I see you sneaking off every night." I asked confused.

"Yea and you see us sneaking off because..." He prompted me.

"I was making a dress for Alice." I replied confused. Alice had a heart of gold, she deserved the perfect ball and I felt a little guilty for not finding a dress last Hogsmeade.  "They're going to be the star couple." I said fondly.

"Who are?" Sirius asked jumping in beside us.

"Frank and Alice."

"He finally grew the balls eh?" Sirius munched loudly on an apple.

"Yea and Camilla's confused as to why she's so stressed despite the fact that she's spent the last week helping Alice and then the week before that with Dione and then the week before that week helping Carlin." We had reached the transfiguration classroom taking our seats. Charlie and Lily waved from across the room. I hesitated, the fanclub would surely have a field day over just the thought that I ruined the assumed yet unassigned seating arrangements we had adopted since first year. I slid awkwardly beside James, I couldn't just leave the conversation and move to the girls. The boys noticed my hesitancy and quickly made room, shunning Peter to the set of tables with a few Hufflepuff girls. I could see Charlie and Lily's confused faces.

"Ok." I admitted lightly balancing my books at the edge of the wooden desk and sending Scarlett a sympathetic shrug. "I'm a sucker for a happy couple, is that really a crime?" We were set to practice animal transfiguration today and I produced my small mouse whom I had fondly named Albert. 

"There's no such thing as a happy couple." Sirius said derisively. "There's only minor infatuation and then you get bored of them. That's why everybody divorces." His aristrocratic features pulled a sour expression, his jaw literally reflecting the sunshine.

"Don't tell the fanclub that." I grinned, trying to lighten the mood. Sirius's comments reminded me of Mary's comment that Sirius never payed attention to his girlfriends, I decided not to bring that up in this conversation. My friendship with the boys was new and I didn't want to push it too hard. With a swish of my wand I said goodbye to Albert, changing him into a small cup.

"I thought you said you were behind." Peter frowned glancing between my cup and his mouse-cup hybrid.

"Not behind, just stressed." I clarified.

"You know what you need. A stiff drink." Sirius said proudly, he had gotten bored of changing his mouse into cups and had moved on to changing parts of his stationary into small pieces of clothing for his mouse.

"Are you trying to get me drunk Black?" I teased.

Sirius winked at me "That's an added benefit."

Spending class with the boys turned out to be a hoot. When they weren't showing off or hexing people, they were actually rather fun people. As we left charms I seriously contemplated the idea of a drink. "Camilla." Lily jogged to catch up with me. I bid the boys farewell and set off to care of magical creatures with the girls.

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