A statement.

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2nd last CHAPTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been going through and editing so all the chapters aren't so long anymore. Ive also begun changing some stuff and re-arranging but there was nothing I could cut out of this one! it just feels right :) 


"Camilla!" James called after me as we headed to the quidditch pitch.  It was a foggy morning, the sun was on it's way up and I was in a foul mood. Even just the thought of James yapping away beside me was sure to trigger a hypertensive crisis or two. As you can probably tell, I was in no better state... in fact I had majorly deteriorated. Could it be the fact that I had just witnessed my boyfriend kiss somebody else only minutes after I'd told him the biggest news of my life? Who knows! I had become a sarcastic pessimissist, it was a wonder Scarlett or LIly had put up with me for the last few days. I had eaten a quarter of an apple in the last three days and slept a total of four hours. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to see anybody and I definitely did not want to talk to James Potter at 5:45 in the morning.

"I know what you're going to say and please just save it James." A touch of agitation already stained my voice. He flinched but kept up with my pace.

"Wha- All I wanted to say is that i think you should tal-"

"Talk to Sirius. No thank you. You and everybody else are being so nonchalent about all of this. There is nothing I want to talk to him about." I replied, my body ached and the last thing I wanted to do was kick off on my broom. James was also the quidditch captain so he ordered the other members of the team to practice passing. 

"I think it's a good idea-"

I snorted at the phrase. "Go serenade Lily with your good ideas, I don't have the time."

"She's rubbed off on you i can see." James commented now that we were on our brooms he easily kept up with me . I raised my eyebrow, giving him permission to continue. "The sarcastic tone, stern facial expression... It's trademark Lily. Y'know, when you first joined the quidditch team I honestly thought you were just some fashion diva. LIke those runway models with no personality. I probably shouldn't say this, but when Sirius told me he liked you, my first thought was that he was making a bad decision, y'know just choosing one of those shallow hot girls he usually goes for. Actually, my first thought was pure and utter shock that Sirius admitted his feelings, but after that. But y'know- "

"Can you please stop talking?" I gave a great sigh for the second time today. "Those runway models, have a personality. They're my friends." I added pointedly.

"See! That's more like the Milla I know! The peacemaker, the kind and sophisticated one! This grumpy sadist isn't right." James pointed at me. He had made me smile, if that was his goal... he'd succeeded. 

This smile was only momentary as the second we walked out from quidditch training back into the castle, groups of students slowed giving me the worst side eye. 

"I heard he dumped her for Emma."

"Apparently she dumped him for some muggle actor." 

"Ugh gross. I'll meet you in class." I mumbled to James who scrunched his nose at the comments we had just heard, causing his glasses to fall off.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?" He asked peering down out where I was previously standing. I shook my head, slipping through the quickest passage out of sight.


Even in the wizarding world, there's a girl code. That code extends to no talking to your friends  cheating boyfriend. Which is probably why I was harshly taken back when I walked into astronomy that evening to see Lily and Sirius talking seriously in the corner.

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