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My father's death had been the final factor drawing me to France. The words of the fight I had heard him have with my mother were still replaying in my head. "I want her to be fabulous. To be happy. To carry this family name into the 21st century."  It was almost as though France was calling me.

Allegra and my mother had moved to Yves's place in Morrocco four months prior. My mother had taken Allegra out of school and had begun home-schooling her with the help of the Order of the Phoenix. It was safer there.  

It was a bittersweet moment leaving the house. Although admittedly, I hadn't spent time there, it seemed to be my last connection with London. Our London home was gone with my father. My connection with the wizarding world seemed to be dwindling away with it too.

I had said goodbye to Lily and the girls the week before. With many tears and promised visits. The boys had presented me with an array of toys and goods. I wrote to Lily and Scarlett over the years but with my constantly changing address and work overload (some things never change), I slowly lost touch. 

As for Sirius Black, I couldn't bring myself to say a true goodbye. It was almost as though we didn't need to, we both knew it would never do us justice. Despite the finality of the change, I still counted down the days until he finished school. A couple times I would catch myself looking out the window with a tinge of hope that he would appear at the front door of my Paris appartment, but he never came. 

I moved permanently to Paris, taking over my uncle's line, after learning everything I could from the likes of Chanel, Givenchy and the Versace's, ultimately transforming YSL into the contemporary clothing line Yves had always dreamed of. With everything I did, every design, the way I spoke and moved there was always a little bit of Sirius Black in there. Sometimes, when the lights were dark and the models were lined up and the nerves set in I could almost feel his calming voice clearing my mind, like a stupid potions exam, drowning out the blaring yells of angry designers and stressed make-up artists. Sometimes I swore i could see the familiar black dog watching over me in the shadows. Sirius Black was and still is my first love.


And we're done! 

Thank you all for this incredible journey

I know some of you will hate this journey but I wanted to keep it real, Sirius never had a happy ending so Camilla's is similarly a little bittersweet. 

xoxo shem

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