Empty ~ 2

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That morning Allen left Kanda to his mind. He returned to his room, falling backward onto his bed, letting out a frustrated sigh. He wanted alone time and thanked whatever god out there when no one decided to bother him the whole day.

As the evening came Allen then noticed the growling in his stomach. He grunted, annoyed that he had to go to the great hall and have eyes staring at him with every step he took. As he made it to the grand hall, he 0ushed the doors open and felt anxiety well up in the pit of his stomach. Everyone went silent and eyes were on him, he sighed turning his gaze to Jerry who was waving a spatula in the air and signaling for him to approach, which he did.


Allen tensed up, "sorry Jerry," he said sincerely.

"No, no, no! You will not skip breakfast again or I will personally make it my mission to seek you out!" Jerry warned, pointing the spatula at Allen, who shrieked back in terror.

Putting his hands up in a surrendering pose, Allen smiled, "I won't miss breakfast again Jerry! Come on. I had important things to do," Allen moved his hands down whining, knowing Jerry would probably catch on. Probably.

"Tsk, tsk whatever the reason is my boy, make sure you can have some decent amount if food. Look at you," he waved his spatula up and down, pointing at Allen, "you've gotten skinnier! You need to eat more!"

All the ruckus had brought everyone's attention to the two, which Allen clearly didn't want happening. But how can he stop a friend from worrying about his well being? He sighed, placing a hand on Jerry's wrist, which few were scared to do.

"Jerry calm down I'm here now."

Jerry lowered his spatula a sad expression looking back at Allen, "my boy has it really been that bad? You look like death," Jerry pointed out. Going back to finish Allen's last piece of food.

Allen tensed but relaxed after sighing, lowering his mask a little for Jerry to take a peek. And what he saw made him drop his spatula, clattering against the countertop.


Allen closed his dull eyes and when he opened them the mask was back on, taking Jerry by surprise. He truly hurt for the boy more than anyone at the Order because he understood Allen. He understood that inside the boy was still lost and afraid of the world. Afraid for it leaving him alone without anyone to turn to. Around the Order, Jerry began to see everyone ignoring Allen like he was never there. Everyone would pass by him without a second glance, but there were only a handful of people at the Order who would talk to Allen.

Chaoji only talked to Allen when he wanted to make sure that Allen was nothing. That he wasn't even human. He would mentally and physically drain Allen, but the poor boy never once gave Chaoji the satisfaction of what he says get to Allen when in truth, every word Chaoji spills towards the boy leaves him empty and alone. Wanting to disappear and never look back.

Then there was Kanda. He never once treated the boy differently. Never once looked down on him like everyone else did. Neither did he even ignore the boy. Kanda, even though his dislike for Allen is strong, he would never once fail the boy when he needed him. Not once did he think Allen was invisible, yet it would seem that Kanda still can't quite get passed Allen's walls and vise-versa.

"Do you-"

Allen smiled, "Jerry, I'm fine really." He said cutting him off, "I'll get some rest after I've eaten so please stop worrying alright."

Jerry sighed, giving the boy the food he prepared, smiling softly, "get enough food in your system alright and please if you need to skip you need only to tell me ahead of time so I can bring the food to your room, alright?" Allen nodded taking his food and smiling as Timcampy sat on his head.

"Yeah, sure thing!"


After having some food in his stomach, Allen decided to take a stroll outside of the Order, He felt like a prisoner and a suffocating feeling weighing him down. Timpcampy was happily playing with Allen's white strands as the wind blew against them steadily. The day was beautiful outside, seeing the sun almost disappear over the horizon, welcoming the darkness of night.


Allen turned his head a little, seeing over his shoulder and catching steel eyes that belonged to a certain samurai. Smiling, Allen sighed and returned his gaze at the world before him, "hm?"

Kanda eyed the boy for a while and for whatever reason he stood beside him, looking out in the distance as his long hair danced in the wind. Allen looked at him from the corner of his eye and smiled, "how's it going, Kanda?" He asked, playfully. Kanda muttered something before sighing and turning his gaze towards Allen.

"Seeing you this close, you really are short. I could easily step on you," Allen turned to Kanda, holding eye contact, "you're so mean Bakanda! I'm not short!" Allen replied, feeling defensive.

"Not short ey?" Kanda smirked and leaned down, moving his hand to show the distance between their height, "your practically an ant compared to me," Allen's frown grew, turning away from Kanda, "I'm not an ant your just a mountain."

"Che'" Kanda moved back and turned his attention to the distance, thinking.

Allen did the same, taking out a cancer stick and placed it between his lips, lighting it with a match.

"You do know that smell like death right?" Kanda turned to him with a scrunched up nose at the nasty smell.

Allen chuckled, rolling his eyes and taking a deep breath before walking closer to Kanda and breathing out the smoke.

Allen burst out laughing as Kanda coughed with a disgusted face.

"You damn..."

Allen raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing, "Come on Kanda that was funny,"

Kanda glared at him and started walking towards him, "I should slice off your head for that stunt, shorty!"

Allen dropped the stick in his hand and stomped on it. He smiled a mischievous smile before saying, "Hmm, I don't think you have it in you, Yu." Taking a step closer to Kanda he leaned in taunting the swordsman before him. Kanda narrowed his eyes, "are you really challenging me?"

Allen's smile grew, silver eyes twinkling with mischief, "maybe I am." Allen brought up his hand and...

flicked Kanda on his forehead.

Allen ran as fast as he could howling in laughter. Kanda looked shocked for a few seconds before growling deep in his throat, "You damned! UGH! Moyashi come back here!" He ran after Allen, who was laughing nonstop as he ran through the hallways of the busy Order, bumping into people by accident.

"Haha! Come and get me!"


A/N: Well let's just give Allen some light in his life. Personally I would never flick Kanda on the head and run away, he would totally cut off my head before I can yell out "You can't catch m-". Yeah, I'd be dead.

College is alright so far, but midterms are this week and I am stressing out over one of my classes because I personally don't know what to do in that class. I hope I can make it through. hehe!

The next chapter will be updated probably either around spring break or when my summer starts!!

Until then!

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