Empty ~ 9

832 43 31

~Good ending~

Warning: Please heed this warning, there will be mentions of suicide! Please be advised if this stuff makes you uncomfortable please read with caution.


Allen walked into the cafeteria where everyone was eating breakfast. He walked up to Jerry, smiling which in turn made Jerry very happy. 

"Hello, Allen."

Allen let out a small chuckle when he saw the happy expression on Jerry's face, "Hey, Jerry how's your morning?"

"Oh my boy, it's been exhausting but seeing you smile just made my day one hundred times better," 

"I'm glad," Allen whispered, "I have a question to ask,"

Jerry leaned his elbow on the counter in front of him, lowering his spatula to one side, "a question you say?" Allen nodded at the intrigued look on Jerry's face, "ask away then."

Allen sighed, leaning forward so only Jerry would be able to hear them. It's never too be careful, right? 

"Would you betray The Black Order for me?" 

Jerry's expression turned serious, he looked up eyeing Allen through his dark glasses, "I'd betray the world for you. You're like a brother to me Allen. I care more about you than some Order,"

Allen's eyes glazed over, wet with tears that threatened to fall. 

"I have something to say then please listen and make sure you choose carefully,"

"Whatever you have to say must be very important?"

Allen nodded. Jerry smiled pointing the spatula towards Allen, "I'll think about it. Now tell me, dear Allen."

Allen told him everything quietly. Everyone in the cafeteria was glaring at the two but when they saw Jerry's expression turn deadly and serious they knew something was up. Between them and Allen, Jerry never favored anyone, and seeing him favoring the Noah made everyone's skin itch. Both from irritation and jealousy.

"Allen listen to me and listen carefully," Jerry's voice had risen when Allen stepped back. They could see that both men were serious about something but no one knew why Jerry had the reaction he did.

"I don't even need to think twice about this," Jerry stated, "I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" Allen asked hesitantly. 

Jerry hit him on the head with the spatula, "ow!" Allen yelled out rubbing his head.

"Don't even ask me that! Of course, I'm serious baka!" 

Allen chuckled, smiling brightly. 

"Thank you," He muttered.

Jerry watched him as his heart started to fill with joy. He loved Allen like his own brother and if anyone were to hurt him he'd make sure to end them. Not to mention give them the worse portions he has stored away. Just imagine the horror of someone not tasting Jerry's amazing food when it's steaming hot but when it's cold and hasn't had its fill of flavors sprinkled in-Chaoji being one of those people who Jerry gives the worse portions he's got in store. 

"I'll see you tonight," Jerry waved Allen off. 

Allen went in search of one of the many abandoned rooms the Order had. Some of the rooms aren't ever used so he doesn't have to worry about being interrupted. Soon he stumbled upon a room that wasn't occupied or so he thought.

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