Chapter 17

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No ones pov:

Todoroki then blast a trail of ice at Izuku but she just goes though the floor and gets back up behind Todoroki but he turns and then grabs her arm and throws her to his ice.

Izuku then get up but before she sees a blast of ice but she moves and throws rock from the ground which broke the ice and pieces of ice went in her eye which send back a little and she covered her eye with her hand.

Izuku then sees half red on her eye but still sees Todoroki's ice coming so moves to the side and swings her arm with made some ice and rocks move his way.

"Todoroki you can't win if you only use half of your power!!!"

"No!! I won't use it!!"

Todoroki then send a huge blast of ice but it stops before it can reach her and then felt a kick in the back which made him move forward.

Todoroki turns his head and sees a bit deep scar on her left eye with made her eye red but yellow showing a tiny clock as her pupil.

'D-did I do that?!...' Todoroki thought as he blames himself

Izuku then grabs his collar and pulls him up and yelled

" it's your quirk not his!!" And push him with a bit of her quirk which sends him backwards but not to far in the area.

Todoroki then realized what it means and his feelings got the better of him and then his body turn to flames,

Izuku sees the flames to which she sees as red beauty with a bit of orange, with a range in his eyes, he then knows that he is who he is and doesn't have to follow his father and how Izuku saves him.

Izuku smirks and send metal bars,rocks and ice at him and trapping him while using clockwork to stop his action. But,

He makes a huge ice blast where he breaks free from the trap she made and he sends a ice blast the was going fast but also sending the fire as well.

But she turns into a ghost and falls right though and gets behind but forgot to stop her quirk since he turned fast they accidentally move in together which made Izuku inside of him.

Then both stop but Todoroki moves his head a bit cause of the little pain.

' w-what's going on?!' Izuku yelled in Todoroki head

'Kaida get out plz?!'

'I can't!! I'm sorry!'

Todoroki then yells then kneel down on both legs,

'Taken help!!'

'I'll try Izuku but Todoroki you need to stop moving your head so much'

Taken looks a bit worried about both so she try's to find the right quirk for the both of them.

Then she remembered, in middle school her father allow her to go off and get quirks for herself so she did but she remembered it was from a woman with her baby walking so she bumped into the baby's mother which touched her arm,

The woman's quirk was called time and it allow her to rewrite time or change the future so Taken decided to use it and change the future to where they both get out.

While with Todoroki he hear what Taken has said (since it's his mind sooo ya)

"Izuku?! I thought her name was Kaida?!" He said to himself

Then he felt like something was ripped from his body and then he fell to the floor but he turned his head to the side and saw Izuku laying on the ground unconscious.

" Kaida Star is unable to fight, Todoroki is the winner!!" Midnight yelled

Then Todoroki then close his eyes and he fell unconscious as well,

Time skip to nurses office

Izuku was all patch up even her eyes but her coma will take awhile since she used a lot of energy, while for Todoroki he was already awake but he is sitting next to Izuku waiting for her to wake up,

Then a bang appeared, it was the door, iida, Bakugou, Uraraka, and Taken had all came in and went to Izuku.

Taken was the first to go to Izuku first since she pushed the others to the side, then she grabs her hand and holds it.

"Oh Izuku your so stupid you know that sis..." she whispered to herself

"What did you say??" The others asked as well

"Nothing, it's not your business.." she said coldly

After a while Taken felt something move,

Izukus hand, she then slowly opened her eyes and looks around, and sees all of them around her bed,

"Hey guys.. who won??" She said slowly and a bit quiet,

After others were upset, worry and happy that she was alright, she had to stay in the bed for a day or two but needed sleep so soon everyone left and Izuku was soon left alone sleeping and dreaming of their new plan.

Well that was a bit short or something but I hope you like it and if you have new ideas for more story's or the next chapter do tell me more about it,

Should Izuku tell the class her real name or wait till the right moment?

Should Izuku and Shoto go out on a date and get together or will there be a mix up when Izuku thinks Todoroki likes another girl and gets upset when really he likes Izuku??
I kinda want to play the song The Queen of Mean for Izuku so ya should I play the song for Izuku or nah?
Tell me ok and thx for reading!!

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