Chapter 28

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A few hours later Todoroki woke up with something or someone next to him and when he saw that it was Izuku, he smiles and brush her hair off her face a bit, he then kiss her cheek and goes back to sleep again, as for Taken, she woke up a while ago but feels different, like something new is happening, as she is looking out the window she hears a voice.

"Taken..." it said,
Taken then looks around but realized it's in her head,

"Yes?" She said,
"Taken, it's Dad are you alright??"

"Ya I'm alright but where are you?! And are the others ok?!"

"Yes they are they are just at the castle and I'm at prison and I don't have much time"

"Did anyone get hurt at the lair??"

"Some of our members got hurt, Dabi and Toga got injured but they are ok"

"Dad, the hero's just found out about Izuku  yesterday and I have a feeling they are going to find more about her and us"

"Just stay calm with it, don't let them find out anything and just use your quirk if need too"

"Yes dad, take care and see you soon"

"Bye Taken take care of everyone"

As Taken finish her conversation with her father she still felt like something with happened but not to deal with it right now,

After a few minutes later Izuku had finally woke up only to see Todoroki reading next to her,

"Morning Izuku did you sleep well?" He asked with a smile, as he looked at her, she then looked at him with a smile,

"Yes I did, and sorry for coming in and randomly sleeping in here" she said blushing and looking down,

"It's fine Izuku, As long as your happy and safe" Izuku then looks at him with a smile and hugs him, Todoroki was a bit shock at first but smile and hugged her back, after they finished hugging, they decided to watch tv while eating lunch, they had fun doing this and Izuku had a idea to go see Kota and check on him.

"I think we should check on Kota really quick" she said as she was getting up, Todoroki nods and gets up as well and walks with Izuku to Kota,

After a few minutes, they find his room and see him playing on a tablet in bed, he looks over to see who it is and jumps up from his bed and runs to Izuku, Izuku then kneel down to his hight to hug him,

"Izuku! Your ok!!" He yelled as he hugged her tight,

"I am and are you ok?" She asked,
"Ya I am but I was told the doctors that my aunt is going to come and take me back.. I don't want to tho.." he said as he put his head down,
"Oh it's alright Kota just behave and soon we will come get you if something happens to us ok?" She said with a smile as he looked at her,

"Thanks Izuku" He then hugs her one last time before he let go and went to his bed to wait for his aunt,

"What do you think is going to happen at UA?" Todoroki asked as they walk to Taken's room,

"Idk but I'll check on Taken first to make sure she is ok then we will make a plan on it" he nods and they keep walking till they get to her room and when they open then door they see her looking at the window a bit mad,

"Hey Taken, you doing fine?" Izuku asked,
"Ya I'm fine but I have a feeling like something might happen but idk what?!" She said a bit angry,
"It's going to be fine plus we going to get check out tomorrow so we can just plan just Incase something goes happened,
Taken nods and then both people sit next to her and start talking about All for one, the battle, where the rest are, and UA,

After that Izuku and Todoroki then head to the hallway so they can go to their room,

"See you tomorrow Todoroki" Izuku said with a smile just as she was going to walk away,

"Wait Izuku!" Todoroki said to stop Izuku,
"Do you want to umm go on a date some time??" He asked with blush,

"I will love to Todoroki, how about Friday?" Izuku said with excited,

"Ya, so at lunch I'll pick you up at your dorm?"
"Yup, see you Todoroki!" Izuku then runs but looks back waves at him with a smile on her face which made Todoroki's heart go fast and blush came to his face.

I'm keeping this chapter short cause I want to hear your guys ideas on the next chapter, like what would happen the next day? And what is the bad feeling Taken's having?, and what kind of date do you want Todoroki and Izuku to have and what happened's?, I'll pick a idea probably more then one and it will be in a chapter, stay safe and wash your hands!, byeee!

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