19 - The First Battle

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"In Re Baby Q

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"In Re Baby Q." The bailiff stands in the open door of the courtroom just as another batch of people leaves, his gaze flicking back and forth between the huddled groups waiting for their cases to be called.

"That's us." Rising to his feet, Joshua McDermott, the lawyer Professor Hill hooked me up with, gives me a small nod.

For a second, my heart threatens to break through my chest. Even though the law profession has always fascinated me, I never imagined that I would be anything but an advocate the first time I step into a courtroom. Now I'm involved in a case that could get me into the law books—but not the way I wanted. The thought that my name could easily end up on the losing side dries up my mouth.

I jump a little by the squeaking of wheels on the polished linoleum. Spinning around, I come face to face with Felix and Deborah. She is paler than ever with her eyes glued to the floor while his glare is deadly. He still manages to produce a curt smile before clearing his throat. "Excuse me, could we pass?"

I realize I'm blocking their way into the courtroom. My stick-out belly has lately become a hindrance. When I squeeze to the side, I lose my balance and land back on my behind next to Patrick on the bench. The woman who is with Felix lets out a low snort. Undoubtedly their attorney, she is younger than expected with a cute celestial nose and glossy brown hair cut in a fashionable bob. Her silk, navy business suit barely passes the stretched finger test and is tailored to highlight her curves. She walks with a slight bounce, her briefcase swinging weightlessly back and forth as if it's empty. If I met her on the street, I wouldn't have taken her for a lawyer.

"Then let the games begin," Joshua mumbles after I heave myself to my feet. His gaze rests on the swaying butt of the woman and in that moment, I'm not sure if I wouldn't have fared better with a female lawyer.

I look at Patrick, internally pleading for him to stay by my side, but even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be allowed into the courtroom. Family court matters involving minors are closed to the public. Since he's not a party to the proceedings, I'm on my own. With heavy steps, I follow Joshua and sit down at the table he guides me to. Judge Roberto Delarosa is already seated on a small, elevated podium like a king, studying us with one side of his reading glasses stuck in the corner of his mouth. The fingers of his free hand drum on his desk as everyone shuffles to find their seats and the lawyers get their paperwork in order. Only after total silence has fallen over the courtroom does he begin to speak.

"This is a request for a parentage order under the assisted reproduction agreement for baby Quentin. I see here, Ms. Cruz, that you're the attorney of record for the intended parents, Felix and Deborah Dunnerson?"

The woman rises. "I am, your honor."

"Okay, shoot. Why do your clients feel I should grant a pre-birth order under the circumstances? According to the court filings and contract, this is a traditional surrogacy and a pre-birth order is not automatic. Why don't we just wait until the baby is born?"

In Re Baby QWhere stories live. Discover now