XVII: A Charming Experience

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Harry had pulled Draco into another storage closet, but this one was much smaller, making it to where Draco had to bend down to avoid the ceiling and Harry had to stand against Draco, both feeling very cramped in the tiny closet.

"So, do you mind helping me out in Care of Magical Creatures?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Too . . .spend more time with you and have an excuse to be seen with you in the library? Preferably near the back and close to the Restricted Section?"

Harry crossed his arms. "Why?" he repeated.

Draco told him everything that had happened in the Great Hall, adding, "I wanna spy in him. Just to see what happens. And I think Theo will be there."

Harry frowned. "I don't even talk to them."

Draco threw his arms up with a smile. "He wouldn't even see us!"

Harry grinned. "Can we not really study? I'm sure that was implied but I'm---"

Draco leaned down, pressing his lips to Harry's, both wearing smiles and a laugh bubbled in Harry's throat. It surprised both of them, but Harry the most. He never laughed before Draco and he didn't really know how it made his chest burn, but he laughed all the same.


Theo had been paired with Luna Lovegood in Charms and he was excited. Too much so, and he hadn't been paying attention very well.

Luna looked at him wistfully, her beautiful blue eyes seemed to shine as her mouth moved, but Theo was too preoccupied with his thoughts to pay any mind to what Luna was saying until she snapped her fingers in front of his dazed eyes.

"Theodore, " she began, "don't you think that you should be more focused?"

"Oh, sorry, " Theo muttered, feeling quite embarrassed. He could feel the back of his neck burning and added with a laugh, "Think I'll be charming after we figure this out?"

Even though it was a terrible joke, Luna laughed her airy and light laugh. Theo felt a surge of confidence, telling her, "All my friends call me Theo."

She looked at him. "Does that mean we're friends?"

No, thought Theo. I don't want to be just friends, Luna Lovegood. "Yeah, of course, " he said with a grin.

Luna smiled brightly. "I've never had a real friend. People think I'm a loon. Loony Lovegood is what the girls in my year call me."

Theo shook his head, telling her softly, "You aren't a loon. Just . . .eccentric. They're the ones who are loons for being jerks to you."

"You don't think I'm a loon?" Luna asked, her smile widening. Theo looked at what she was wearing; her school robes with the Ravenclaw eagle over the heart, through her blonde hair, he saw that Luna had Butterbeer cap earrings with a matching necklace.

"No, " Theo concluded, smiling honestly. "You're not mad. You're perfect the way you are."

Luna smiled and a bit of pink blush played on her cheeks. "Thank you, Theo."

Theo asked her, "Would you like to come with me to the library at six tonight? Blaise is trying to flirt with a Hufflepuff and I could use a friendly laugh. Or lend a hand. Whichever comes first."

Luna thought for a moment before asking him, "Does he know we're coming?"

"No, we're going to do a bit of spying."

Luna grinned mischievously and Theo felt his own far too familiar grin and Luna told him, "I'd love to. I could use a good laugh or two. Not in a mean way, of course."

Theodore chuckled quietly. He felt excited, even if he was just going to the library. But he was with Luna Lovegood, for God's sake! How could he not be excited?

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