XXVII: Remus' Ex-Girlfriend

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All three boys were upstairs while Remus and Sirius sat at the kitchen table, a glass of Firewhiskey in front of either of them. Remus, not being much of a drinker, sipped slowly, letting the burning sensation pass before taking another.

"She never even came?" Sirius asked, his voice dangerously low. "Didn't even write, did she? Didn't even send a present?"

Remus shook his head, saying, "She's gotten herself a new boyfriend recently. Teddy doesn't like him much."

Sirius shook his head in apparent disgust. "Doesn't mean she can abandon her son."

Remus didn't respond, but instead took a sip of his glass. Five years ago, when Teddy was born, Tonks and found out about Remus being a werewolf, the cause of the scars that littered his face and arms and chest.

She promptly left in the middle of the night, leaving Remus to care for a child who missed his mother. Remus, who worked at Hogwarts during the school year, had to leave Teddy with either Sirius or his own mother and father.

Teddy, always bright and bushy-tailed, was adored by his parents. Lyall and Hope Lupin loved the child, adoring his abilities. For the child's first birthday, to Remus' grief, they had gotten the child a puppy, which he had named Snuffles. The two grew up together, making them inseparable. Tonks, who wanted nothing to do with Remus or his family, didn't allow the dog in her home, causing both Teddy and Snuffles much suffering.

Andromeda and Edward Tonks didn't mind Remus and even encouraged him to come over to their gothic-looking home, with or without their grandson.

Since he and Tonks had never married, she wasn't required to pay him an amount for Teddy's child support and Remus didn't have to let him see her, but he assumed Teddy would hate him if he didn't let her take him on the rare days she got him.

Sirius snapped Remus from his thoughts by putting a hand on his, saying, "At least he can help with the tree tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sirius, " Remus sighed, relieved that he was acting so nonchalant about the obvious predicament. "You have no idea how much this helps."

Sirius patted his hand. "It's really no trouble."

"But are you sure that you're able to house all of us?" Remus asked. "I mean, Harry's here and you only have one spare room here and---"

"Harry sleeps in Draco's room and I'm sure Teddy will be fine in the spare room and you can always sleep on the couch."

"Wow, you aren't even going to offer me the right side of your bed?"

Sirius smirked. "I didn't want to assume."

Remus rolled his eyes just as Teddy burst through the kitchen, holding Harry's hand tightly. "Daddy!" he said. "Did you meet Dray's special friend?"

Remus chuckled, "Yes, Teddy. He's a student of mine at my work." He turned to face Harry, telling him, "Hello, Mister Potter. Sorry about the dog. He gets excited."

" 'S fine, Professor, "

"Call me Remus, "

Harry swallowed and straightened his back, replying, "Call me Harry."

Draco let out a breath and, when Harry gave him a look, said, "I thought it was going to go a bit like what happened with Sirius."

"Those cookies are terrible, " Harry grumbled.

"I wanna cookie, " Teddy blurted.

"At least ask or say please, Teddy, " Remus sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I wanna cookie?" Teddy repeated, but up-talked the last bit so that it sounded like a question. Remus looked at him, raising his eyebrows. Teddy groaned. "Can I please have a cookie?"

Harry sniggered. What could he say? The kid was funny.

Draco went over to the pantry, searching as Harry said, "I want one too."

"I don't think there are any, "

Both Harry and Teddy let out exaggerated gasps, Harry clutching at his chest and Teddy whimpering. "How can that be?" Harry asked in a pained whisper.

"A dis-grape!" Teddy chimed in.

Harry held back a laugh, sniffing. "A terrible, terrible dis-grape."

Remus chuckled as Sirius added, "How could you let this happen, Draco?"

Draco threw his hands up, saying, "I'll go get some, my God, "

"I wanna come!" Harry and Teddy said, Teddy with a smile and Harry with a glare. Polar personalities.

"Then grab your coats, " Draco sighed. "C'mon, Teddy, "

"Can we take Snuffles?" Teddy asked.

"I guess so, "

"Yay!" Teddy cheered. "Bye, Daddy! Bye, Sirius!"


In the end, Harry was bent on making cookies and Draco couldn't steer the stubborn, short boy from his idea. When Draco tried to, he responded with, "Fuck you, Malfoy. You don't tell me what to do, "

So that was the plan. Teddy had picked some sort of chocolate cookie that was high in sugar, thrusting them into Draco's hands.

And he knew Draco wouldn't, or, better yet, couldn't say no. So he bought stuff to make Harry's cookies and Teddy's pack or sugary sweets.

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