Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Today is Friday, which means today is either going to be fun or end in me crying like a baby while I call my mommy to come pick me up from jail.

Everyone is supposed to be meeting at Ethan's house around five o'clock to discuss the plans for tonight more thoroughly. Cameron tried explaining them to us a little better after school yesterday but he stopped when Lucas started throwing tiny balls of paper at him from boredom.

I told my mom I was spending the night with Josephine tonight, but, in my defense, that isn't a complete lie because technically I am spending the night with her. I just left out the part about how there's also going to be seven other people, we won't be at her house and what we're doing is illegal.

But anyone who has a mother knows why I had to lie, she'd never approve of me doing this. In reality, it's probably for the best that she wouldn't let me considering this plan could go sideways in the blink of an eye and we'd all be left as jail bait.

I pull into Jospehines driveway and she runs outside with Adalyn.

Everyone is carpooling so Ethan's mother won't get mad about half a dozen cars sitting in her driveway.

The drive to Ethan's house is pretty short. Adalyn tells me where to go since I've never been before but we manage to get there before anyone else, minus Mason but he practically lives with the guy.

I park in front of the garage and get out of the car. His house is huge. The windows are beautifully arched and tall, showcasing what's on the inside. The front porch is surrounded by a flowerbed that's been cared for. It's the type of house you could read about in a fairy tale. All that's missing is the white picket fence.

The porch has three stone steps that lead up to the door. I press the doorbell and can hear it echoing through the house in a fancy chime.

Only seconds later, the door opens and Mason appears. He sees me and an instant smile forms, "Hey Emma," he starts and pulls the door open wider so I can walk inside, "it's strange to hear someone use the doorbell."

The livingroom is the size of mine twice with white lights coming from the windows. It's has clean, light blue walls and a simple but elegant brown couch placed in the center of the room.

Ethan walks in the room and sees me, "Where's Josie and Adal-" he's cut off as his foot gets hooked around the kitchen table leg, causing him to tumble down onto the floor.

Oh, those pesky furniture legs.

Hitting your toe on something at two in the morning is the worst feeling in the world. You only wanted a glass of water but now you have a broken piggy and it hurts too bad to walk anymore so you also go dehydrated.

Mason and I ignore Ethans misfortune as we talk about pizza, "Cameron and Erica are going to be a little late, they're getting pizza."

I nod and appreciate the fact that someone had the idea to feed us, "Adalyn told me on the way here. She's in the car calling Lucas to make sure we don't need to go back out and get drinks, Josephine is with her."

Ethan groans and uses the kitchen table to pull himself up, "I'm fine guys, really. Don't worry about me."

Just then, Adalyn and Josephine barge through the front door.

"Lucas and Trace got the drinks, they're on their way with them now."

We head to the couch and I sit beside Mason and Ethan sits down beside me. Josephine is on Ethans other side and Adalyn places herself on a recliner adjacent all of us.

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