Chapter 50

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Chapter Fifty

I've been awake for an entire ten minutes and all my mind can do is think about Trace.

The way he kissed me, the way he held me. The way my body reacted immediately with his and the kiss ignited into a fire taller than a mountain.

My hand reaches up to touch my lips and I smile, remembering the feeling of Trace's lips there. He was so gentle and soft as he kissed me, almost like he was nervous. But he's Trace freaking Henderson, he doesn't get nervous about anything.

Even through his emotions I could still feel the passion that was behind it, the control. He kissed and sucked and nibbled. The feeling felt freaking incredible. But the boy behind the behavior was even better.

My bedroom door opens and I turn my head, expecting to see mom, but instead I'm met with a smiling Trace.

My eyes widen at his appearance. I scan him over, noticing he isn't in his usual attire. He's bundled up with a thick winter coat and based on the thickness of his legs probably three pairs of pants with overalls on top to hold it all together. He's got rubber boots sticking on the outside of his pants. A black hat settled comfortably on his head, and to top it all of a pair of red gloves.

His entire body is hidden beneath layers of clothes. All I can is his handsome face watching me.

"Morning," he says cheerily.

He must've eaten a hearty breakfast that put him in such a good mood. Or maybe he's still thinking about our kiss?

I laugh out loud, "What are you wearing?"

He frowns at me, "Haven't you been outside?" he pauses for a moment, a hint of amusement in his eyes, "Oh wait, it's not lunchtime yet."

"You're hilarious." I tease.

He walks over to my window. He grabs a fistful of curtain before yanking it back and revealing the beautiful outdoors.

Everything outside is white.

There's snow on my window sill, hanging from trees, resting on neighbors roofs. The yard is decorated with perfect sheets of soft, white snow.

I get up from my bed and walk to the window. From a few inches away I can feel the cold air seeping through the cracks, making me shiver.

"The kids and I were about to go play in it so I stopped by to see if you wanted to join."

I peel my eyes off of my front yard to look at him. I nod eagerly and he chuckles.

"I'm going to run back downstairs and babysit while you get dressed." he says with a naughty glint in his eyes, "Unless of course you'd rather I stay."

I roll my eyes, "I would offer to undress you but it might take the rest of the day. Guess we just have to do something else." I tease and he narrows his eyes at me.

"You're cruel."

I shove him out of the room and close the door behind him.

He'd never be serious about any of that stuff. Not yet at least. He'd give me time before asking for anything else and I know that so his jokes don't aggravate me.

To me, it's actually kind of funny to hear him make suggestive remarks. He's completely unpredictable and even being as close to him as I am, I still get surprised by what words come spilling out of his mouth next.

Within the span of about fifteen minutes I'm able to get completely dressed.

I'm wearing two shirts, a jacket and a coat on top. On the bottom I'm wearing a pair of leggings, jeans, pajama pants and a pair of sweat pants. That may sound like a lot but if I fall down, three layers will be too little. Once the snow melts into water and gets your clothes soaking wet it's only a matter of time before you start freezing.

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