Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

"Hey, Emma. It's been a while." Cole says with a smirk.

The music lowers and I realize he isn't alone. He's brought a friend, maybe multiple friends.

He slams the door shut and I wince at the noise.

Cole takes a step closer and cocks his head to the side, watching me, waiting to see my next move.

"I've missed you," he says with a fake frown.

After all this time and he has the nerve to show up here talking about his feelings? Oh, hell no.

"That's weird because I haven't thought about you since I left." I tell him, trying to put as much venom behind my voice as possible but the words come out strained.

The truth is, I only recently started forgetting about him. But most days there isn't a full twenty four hours that he doesn't cross my mind at least once. He was my first love, I don't know that I'll ever forget him.

After what he did to me, to us. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to forget and just move on but lately that's exactly what I've been doing. Since I moved back here and got the best of friends, it's been harder for me to remember what I've spent so long trying to forget.

His eyes narrow in disbelief as he takes a step closer, "Awe, don't be like that Emma. You know I didn't mean for that to happen."

The door to his truck opens and another two guys step out.

I knew there was someone else in the car because they turned the radio down only moments ago but I wasn't expecting them to get out.

His friends walk up until they're standing on either side of Cole and I take a small step back, which doesn't go unnoticed.

I want to be confident with him and let him know that I'm not afraid. But that's hard to do when you have a seven year old girl holding onto your leg. Even if I want to come back at him with some smart aleck retort, I can't do that and risk Olivia getting caught in the crossfire.

"Sorry to cut this time short but my friends are waiting." I bring my thump up and point it in the direction of the park before giving Cole the best smile I can muster up and turning to walk Olivia back to the crowd of people we trust.

Footsteps hit the pavement behind me in a quick jog. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and without even turning around, I know it's Cole.

"Olivia, why don't you go back up to see if Cameron and Erica need any help cleaning up." she looks up at me with uncertainty. I guess even a seven year old can see this isn't a good situation.

She looks like she might try to stay but I give her a look that makes her understand there's no room for question. She lets out a sigh before taking off back up the hill.

I take a deep breath to brace myself before turning around to face the same boy I left months ago.

When I turn around, his hand drops from my shoulder and another guy gets out of the truck.

"Come on, Cole! What's the hold up?" the tall blonde asks, flailing his hands in aggravation but Cole waves him off.

"Look," he turns back to look at me, "can we go somewhere and talk?"

My eyes widen at the terrible idea.

I shake my head slowly, "I don't think that's a good-"

"Just for a little while," he looks at me with the puppy dog eyes that used to work, "just to talk."

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