Chapter 5: living with the rose/xiao long family

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The car parked in front of a wooden house in patch, it seemed very well made.

Summer walked out of the car.

Summer: C'mon, there are some people I want you to meet

Mars hesitated for a while before finally walking out of the car, I followed soon after.

Summer stood on the doorway and knocked twice on the door, and then I hear muffled voices.

???: coming!

Then the door opened, revealing a blonde man with a small goatee on his chin wearing a sleeveless leather jacket.

Y/N: "it's Tai"

Tai: Oh, hello honey

Summer: Hello dear, I hope you don't mind I brought some company

Tai looked at our direction and smiled.

Tai: of course! Come in

He happily welcomed us inside the house, summer walked inside with us following behind her.

Tai: I'll get the sandwiches

Summer: Oh! And the cookies, don't forget the cookies

Summer's mouth is drooling, she must've love cookies, Of course, Ruby loves it so why not her mother.

Tai chuckled at his wife.

Tai: Yeah, yeah, the cookies too

???: did someone say cookies?

I looked at the person who said that it was a young girl, about 2 years younger than me, with black hair and red tips, but what stood out most was her eyes, they were silver, just like Summer's.

Y/N: "Ruby Rose. Wow, she looks cute as a kid"

And there was another girl beside her, she had blonde hair with lilac eyes, she looks like she's the same age a Mars.

Y/N: "and yang, wow she looks beautiful"

Ruby/yang: Mommy!

The kids ran towards their mother and enveloped her in a hug.

Summer: How are you?

Ruby: we're Okay, it's been boring without you

Yang: yeah!

Summer: well, mommy is here, so I'll be sure to play with you

Ruby: yay!

Yang: awesome!

Summer: but before that, I have some people I want you to meet

Summer pointed at me and mars.

Ruby: who are they, Mommy?

Summer: well...

Tai sipped his coffee

Summer: they will be your new brother's

Tai: *spits coffee* PPPPFFFFFFTTTTTT! what!?

Yang: Brother's?

Summer: yes yang

Tai: Now hold on just a minute-

Summer: you're going to be so much fun with them

Ruby: Really!!

Summer: definitely

Tai: wait I didn't agree to this-

Yang: will we play outside every day?

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