Chapter 12: What runs deep

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"And it seems our time is finished" Doctor Oobleck spoke as he looked and at his wristwatch. "Remember to read your history textbooks on page 34 to prepare for some test tomorrow, Dismissed! Oh, and Mr. L/N, please stay inside the classroom for a while."

Y/N nodded and addressed his teammates. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up," He told Aaron, who hesitated but weakly nodded and gestured the other's to leave.

"Mr. L/N, please take a seat" He gestured to a chair in front of his desk.

Y/N sat comfortably. "What is it that you need, Doctor?" He asked him.

"In my time in this prestigious academy, I have never met a student" He paused as if trying to say the right words. "Brilliant!"

Y/N blinked. "Excuse me, what?"

"Never in my time as a teacher here, I have seen a student who has an interest in Grimm Biology, so I decided that after class, you and I can discuss" He took a sip of his thermos before continuing. "And exchange thoughts"

"Well, I could but...wouldn't it be better if you talked to other teachers?" Y/N weakly suggested.

"Port gets lost in his stories, Glynda is too busy, Peach spends 24/7 in her Dust lab, and you can't seriously be saying that I could do the same to the headmaster, do you?" Oobleck gave a flat look. "It is hard to look for someone NORMAL to talk to"

Silence covered the room for a brief moment. "Huh, fair point" Y/N scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Now then, this weekend I have a lot of free periods, so I would like to invite you to my office to discuss Grimm biology with me If you wouldn't mind" Oobleck's eyes practically shined in excitement.

"Um...Okay?" Y/N hesitantly answered.

"Brilliant! 9:00 am in the morning this weekend! Don't forget! Now you are dismissed!" Oobleck excitedly yelled.

"Calm down, Doc" Y/N said as he reached for the door.


Mars grumbled worriedly when Combat class has started and Y/N hasn't returned yet, Aaron was biting his lip, whilst Dana was scratching her bunny ears.

"Do you think Y/N is alright?" Dana asked, worried for her teammate.

"Relax, it's Professor Oobleck." Aaron paused, it was as if he felt someone shout 'ITS DOCTOR!!!' from a distance. "I doubt he would do anything bad"

"Do you think he got detention for talking to a teacher like that?" Mars asked him.

"Unlikely, the professor-" He felt it again. "wouldn't give detentions for something like that"

"I hope so"

Suddenly, the Doors abruptly opened and Y/N showed up, sweating and panting. "I made it"

"Mr. L/N, you're late" Professor Goodwitch sternly said.

Some students snickered and whispered insults, namely Cardin and his lackeys.

"Sorry Professor, Me and-"

"Don't worry, you're classmates already explained" Professor Goodwitch adjusted her glasses. "Now please, take a seat and we will begin, we are already behind schedule."

Y/N quickly went to his seat beside Mars.

"What's up?" He asked his friends, who gave long stares.

"What took you so long?" Mars fired a question of his own.

"Oobleck asked me to visit his office at the weekends"

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