Bonus Chapter 1

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I remember the day I first saw her.

The library.

She entered through the gates with a calm and serene expression. Her eyes skimmed around interiors of the library, her eyes shining with a sad expression, before collecting herself and walking towards the librarian, Mrs. Arya, who smiled at her. But when she smiled at the librarian, her eyes twinkling with excitement as they conversed about something in a low voice, I knew I was a goner. That smile had the power to light up the whole world in the moment of a blackout.

And then she walked away from the main desk, her feet tapping against the floor in a rhythmic motion as if she was a woman on mission. She stopped in front of the Mystery aisle, looking through the multiple options. She didn't notice me standing far away from her, on the other end of the library, not really visible unless you look carefully. Very carefully.

I know that I sound like a stalker, but trust me I'm not. I just happen to be at the right place, at the right time. I guess the odds are in my favor today.

She was sitting on one of the tables far away from any sort of disturbances, her eyes glued to the book in her hand. I noticed the way her blue eyes scanned the back side of the book, those ocean eyes glistening with merry and excitement.

And I was mesmerized. Completely and utterly in a trance where only this girl was visible. She looked like an angel. Her face carved with utmost perfection, her plump lips moving to form slow, delicate words.

She looked like an enigma. A masterpiece.

I wanted to know everything about her, her likes, her dislikes, her fears, her dreams, or the cute expressions she made while reading a book, her thoughts on why she didn't like a character in a book. I wanted to feel her heart beating against mine, the softness of her fingers, the warmth of her body pressed up against mine and her eyes shining with happiness.

So, with determined steps, I walked towards her, towards our future. Towards us.

I remember the time I saw her at the party. She walked in with Erica, passing through the drunk crowd, looking around for someone. When she was eventually right in front of my eyes, I stilled.

She looked absolutely breathtaking in that dress. Not to mention the blood red lips. I knew that this girl would be the death of me one day. And safe to say she almost killed me with those looks and that dazzling smile.

I had always thought that girls and money are like two peas in a pod, the same. you don't know when they would slip out of your fingers, when you'll find that you've lost it all.

So, I stopped feeling. Because it hurts when the feelings aren't reciprocated. I've had my share of heartbreaks to realize that love is bullshit. Love is for fools.

But fuck, this girl was making my insides tingle with excitement. She was like a drug and I was an addict. She made me feel. She made me realize that if you hold tight, everything works out just fine.

So, that's what I'll do.

Hold on tight and never let go.

But now, when I look at her, walking down the aisle, like a goddess, with dad, smiling so bright, I can see our lives flashing in front of my eyes. I can see us making love to each other all night long, raising our kids together, soaking the sun in the backyard with dogs and our children running in the backyard.

A single tear skims down my cheek making me realise that I'm actually crying. Chuckling to myself, I wipe my face and turn to Lyida who's looking at me as if it's just us here. She bites her lip and then I see her take a deep breath. She's trying not to cry.

Oh, how much I love this beautiful woman.

Dad softly places her hand in mine, but all I care about is looking at her beautiful face. He asks me to take care of her, to which I nod.

"I love you," she whispers, so soft that it tugs at my heart. Her hand comes up to wipe my face, her touch igniting fire within me.

I kiss the palm of her delicate hands, "I love you."

"Just get married already guys!" Bruce's annoying yet excited voice makes us turn our head in his direction, "I'm waiting for the cake."

The crowd bursts into laughter. I shake my head at his tactics and focus my attention on Lydia who's already looking me.

The priest starts the ceremony by greeting and thanking everyone to gather here, but my eyes are fixated on the woman who's captured my attention since day one. When it's finally time to say my vows, I take a deep breath to calm my beating heart.

Here goes nothing.

"I love you. I loved you the day you stepped into the school library, with that beautiful smile on your face. I loved you the day these crazy friends of ours gave us a silly dare to play pretend. I loved you since the day I first saw you, but I was scared to act upon my feelings because I didn't want you to leave me. I was scared, terrified of the fact that you'll leave once the play pretend is over. But you stayed, you stayed with me when I was at my worst, you stayed with me when I was the happiest. You were the one to show me what love is," I feel her hands tighted their grip around mine, "You have no idea how much you mean to me. You are my best friend, my other half. You are the one who has my heart," I sniffle, taking a deep breath, "I promise to love you for the rest of our lives, I promise to put you first in everything I do, I promise to make you feel loved forever."

Her lips split in a wide, cheeky grin, her hands coming up to wipe my face.

"I was attracted to you since the day we first met. I swear it was like love at first sight. An even since the day we've known each other, you've shown me what the real meaning of love is. I always wanted the kind of love my parents had, the kind that shined bright. You gave me that. You showed what it's like to love someone who loves you just as much. I know that I can be a handful, I know I can be a little overbearing at times, but I know you can handle it all. I have faith in you. I promise to love you forever. I promise to be by your side for the rest of our lives. I promise to cherish what we have and protect it with all I have. I promise to stand by you in the difficult times, I promise to be yours forever."

We exchanges the rings, giggling like love sick teenagers. And then I kiss her, soft and sweet. She wraps her arms around me, smiling at me like I'm the only one in the room.

And all is perfect in my world.


Few more bonus chapters to come.

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