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Harry waited in his room for a few minutes after Louis left. He kind of needed to given the fact that he was half-hard from their make-out session. After a while he stood from his bed, where he had been scrolling on his phone, trying not to think about Louis, and went back downstairs.

Harry walked to the kitchen, where he could hear the voices of his mum and sister.

"What did Louis need, hun?" Anne asked from where she was standing at the counter, chopping something for their dinner.

"Um, I just had some of his stuff. His sweater," Harry said, taking a seat at the table.

"Mmmhmm," Gemma hummed from beside his mum, catching Harry's eyes and giving him a look that made it clear she wanted to talk to him later.

The small family spoke while they prepared dinner, Harry jumping in to stir a pot on the stove when his mother asked before they sat down to eat.

Harry was happy to have Gemma home. Although throughout their childhood he often resented the way she took all of the attention, as a young adult, he liked not having to speak as much. Especially on that day, when he just wanted to mope about Louis being gone.

Gemma had been talking about how her exams had gone, about her professors, and about the new boy that she may or may not have been seeing. But as Harry lifted his fork to his mouth to take another bite, the attention was shifted to him.

"So Louis' going to his dad's for Christmas?" Anne asked, glancing at Harry before taking a bite.

Harry nodded before taking a bite of food, hoping to stop the conversation there.

"What about his mum and sisters?" Anne pried.

Harry shrugged, "He didn't really have a choice in it. Apparently his dad had something happen or something... I'm not really sure."

"He didn't seem too happy," Gemma commented.

Harry shook his head, "He'd rather spend it here but he didn't get a choice so..."

"He doesn't get along with his dad?" Gemma asked.

Harry shook his head again, "He left."

And that shut everyone up because it was a story they were all too familiar with.


After the rest of their dinner was spent in silence, Harry went right to his room, getting dressed before getting into bed, despite it being only around eight.

Harry: hi

Harry sent Louis a quick text before pulling out his laptop and starting to watch his show. He had only gotten to the theme song when his phone vibrated.

Louis: hi baby

Harry smiled.

Harry: are you at your dads?

Louis: ya

Louis: you won't believe why he *needed* me here

Harry waited for some sort of further explanation but nothing came.

Harry: lou?

Louis: sorry H , can i call you ?

Harry: ya

And just seconds later, Louis' picture came up on his screen, Harry answering immediately.

"Hi Louis," Harry whispered.

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