thirty seven

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If you didnt see, i updated again on monday so make sure you read that first, also long ass chapter, buckle in


Louis left his coach's office with a lighter heart. Although he was hesitant about the coach speaking to the team, he knew that, at the end of the day, it would be for the best. And, more than anything, Louis wanted only the best for Harry.

He grabbed his bag and headed to his car before starting on his journey home. It was the end of February and although there was still a chill in the air, Louis couldn't help but feel excited for the coming months. Not only was spring, summer, sun, the beach, all with Harry, coming, but Louis was excited to spend his last few months at school with his boyfriend. Out and proud and freer than he had ever been before.

And at the end of it all he would be graduating and leaving Doncaster, leaving behind every negative feeling he had ever had, leaving behind the rejection he had felt from his parents. But also leaving behind his sisters, and Harry, the people he loved most in the world, the people he would fucking die to protect. But he knew it was necessary.

He thought that he and Harry could spend a year apart, skyping and texting and visiting on weekends. He wasn't one to believe in long distance, but Louis believed that if anyone could do it, it was them.

And Louis was halfway home when he got a text from Lottie, which he quickly opened. He knew not to text and drive, he really did, his mum had spent hours lecturing him about the do's and don'ts of driving the moment he got his licence, but he had been questioning a lot of what his mum had told him.

Lottie: Mum and dan have gone out for the night. Will you please come over? we miss you

Louis: course lots , now ? I'm on my way home from footie but I can come after I shower , about 15 min ?

Lottie: ok, bring harry? the twins love him

Louis grinned and shot back an okay before, soon enough, he was pulling into Harry's driveway. He parked the car and rushed into the house, closing and locking the door behind him. Harry liked to keep it locked at all times and Louis knew that the younger boy had only left it open for him.

"Haz!" Louis called, not receiving a response, assuming that his boyfriend was probably up in his room. Harry hated shouting and would rather wait for Louis to come find him.

And Louis was right. He dragged his bag up the stairs and paused in the doorway to Harry/his room to see the younger boy, fast asleep, lying on his stomach with just a thin blanket wrapped tightly around him.

Louis couldn't help the fond smile that covered his face before he moved slowly onto the bed and lay down right beside Harry. He ran his fingers lightly over Harry's back before bringing them to the boy's hair. He felt Harry move closer to him before the younger boy opened his eyes in a squint.

"Hmm?" Harry made a confused noise but smiled at the way Louis was looking at him all soft.

"You're so pretty," Louis mumbled, watching the way Harry's smile grew.

"Why're you waking me up?" Harry whispered quietly, his voice still lingering with sleep, like the rest of his body only craved to do.

"Lottie said we should go over. I'm gonna shower and then we can head over," Louis explained before getting off the bed and opening a drawer, rummaging around for clean clothes.

"Your mum?" Harry asked, eyes following Louis as the older boy moved around the room.

"She's gonna be out, apparently." Louis turned around to Harry with a big smile and Harry felt his heart fill up with Louis' happiness in a way that hadn't been possible since the boy was kicked out. "Get outta bed, love, we can even shower together," Louis suggested with a wink.

Scared (L.S)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें