thirty eight

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The next day Louis was nervous. He knew that the coach would be talking to the team at practice and he was worried that they would all hate him after. He wasn't sure how specific the talk would be but he was sure that everyone would know that it was because of him.

After thinking about it, he really didn't even think it would be necessary. Yeah, some of the players had stopped talking to him but maybe that was his fault. Louis was really good at reading people so if he could sense that someone was uncomfortable with him, he would typically try to escape the situation.

Of course that wasn't quite ideal when he was the team captain.

But Louis' main concern had been Harry. He was worried that the boy would be bullied, tormented after coming out. But nothing had happened. At least from what Harry told him, and from what Louis heard around school, no one seemed to care.

Which was good.

Louis had to drop off an assignment to a teacher so he texted Harry to just meet him in the cafeteria. Louis knew that Harry preferred sitting in the library, where it was quiet, but Louis loved being able to share his food with Harry and wrap his arm around his boyfriend, so all the school that they were together. So, in the week or so since they had come out, Harry had been sitting with Louis and the football team in the cafeteria.

Louis was eternally grateful to Harry for sacrificing his lunchtime peace but he couldn't help but think that it was really great for Harry to sit with them. Many of the guys on the team were really nice and would engage with Harry in conversation about homework, and TV shows, and, Harry's favourite topic, Louis.

Jade and Stan had broken up so, although Harry had mostly forgiven Jade, they never really spoke anymore. Instead, Harry had become pretty good friends with Stan and Ed, who was short and ginger, and was a really good goalie.

But when Louis sat down across from Ed and Stan, ten minutes into the period, Harry still wasn't there.

"Where's your boy?" Stan immediately teased.

Louis frowned, ignoring the boy's teasing nature. "I was gonna ask you, actually. We were supposed to meet here."

Stan met Louis' frown with his own and turned to Ed, "He was in your chem class, right?"

Ed had failed chemistry the year before and had hated having to sit in class with the year below him, until he realized that Harry was in the class. They had started pairing up for labs and assignments.

"Yeah we did a lab but I think he was running to the bathroom or something. I'm not sure, I had to stay back to talk to the teacher."

Louis pursed his lips and pulled his phone from his pocket, shooting Harry a quick text to ask where he was.

"Coach said he was gonna give the team a talk today," Louis said, making small talk although his chest was tight.

"Oh really?" Louis watched as Stan picked at his soggy sandwich.

"Yeah. He noticed I wasn't changing in the locker rooms and decided to give the team a talk on bullying or some shit."

"Everyone's been fine to you, though, yeah?" Ed said, concern lacing in his voice. Louis was happy he was in chemistry with Harry.

"Yeah, told 'im it wasn't really needed but whatever." They sat in silence for a few minutes before Louis started shifting in his chair.

He glanced around, looking for Harry mostly but only noticed that their table, which on practice and game days was always ninety percent full, was missing about a third of the team.

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