Pillow fights

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Beep beep October's phone goes off on the table.
Alex: I'm gonna come pick you up at 6pm.
October: Okay, cya soon.
This is the first sleepover October is having not at her house. Her parents said she wasn't allowed to spend the night with other people until she turn 18, even though she had friends sleep over nearly every weekend. She finishes zipping up her bag and heads down stairs. She grabs a bottle of water from the fridge "You girls better behave and make sure not to be to loud. I don't want Alex's dad to think we have raised a brat" her mom says walking up beside her. " Mom don't worry we are just going to be watching movies" she says reassuring. "Okay. I know you'd never get into too much trouble" she say as she hugs October.
"That must be Alex I got to go" giving one last hug "I love you" "I love you too" she say walking out the door.
"Wooo sexy mama you ready for some fun" Alex yells
She hops in the car and they drive off

"So what's the plan for tonight" October ask. "Well my dad should go to sleep pretty early so we can sneak in to his liquor cabinet and order pizza" Alex responds. "You know I don't drink" she sighs " October this one time let's cut loose a little you are always so good. Can't we be just a little bad?" She ask raising her eyebrows. "Fine but only a little" she laughs. They pull in to Alex's driveway. October has been here plenty of times just never overnight. She grabs her bags and heads upstairs to put her stuff down. Alex tells her "I gotta shower. You can go ahead and pick out some movies for us" October nods in response. She picks out three movie one scary,one romance and one comedy. She heads down stairs to get a drink when she see Alex's dad on the couch. She has met him a few times before in passing. But he never comes home till late in the evening so she has never really talked to him. The tv is loud he does not realize her standing there. He lays on his side facing the tv shirtless. She had never noticed how hard his body looked. She jumps out of her trance and opens the fridge. "Alex is that you?" His voice calls in a low tone "No, it's October." "Oh I'm sorry I forgot you were staying" he stands up and walks over.
           With every breath his pecks expand out. Her breathing hitch's. His green eyes pierce straight through her. "You know it's not polite to stare" he whispers. Her eyes widen. She's caught. She is silent she doesn't know what to say "It's okay I'll cover up for you" he winks then walks away. Her checks are blood red. She quickly head upstairs. Alex is sitting in the bed in her pajamas. October decides to go ahead and slip in to hers as well. She closes the door and takes off her jeans and shirt when the door suddenly opens "Hey do you girls want pizza?" She turns around to see Alex's dad. "Oh I'm so sorry should have knocked" he grins great big. October quickly finishes dressing and lays down beside Alex.

      "So have you and Darren made it official" October ask. "No, we are just friends with benefits he's not the kind of guy you date if you know what I mean." She giggles "Can't say that I do" October responses. "Oh yea miss goody two shoes hasn't popped the cherry yet" Alex laughs "I just don't like highschool boys. There so annoying" Alex nods agreeing " Yea but they can be fun" she winks. It is getting late when Alex looks out her bedroom door "Okay I think he asleep. Head down stairs and get us some drinks and I'll keep look out" she says "what am I supposed to get?" October ask " Anything clear". October walks slowing down the steps to the kitchen and opens the liquor cabinet. Suddenly she feels two hands on her side "Naughty girl, someone's in trouble" her eyes widen and turns around quickly " Mr. Daniels I'm so sorry" she says scared "I'll make you a deal" October gulps scared of getting in trouble. "You can have some and I won't call your mom if when Alex goes to sleep you come to my room to help me with somethings" he says with a devilish voice that sends chills down her spin. "What do you need help with? Can't it wait till morning?" She ask. "No I wanna go ahead and get this straightened out tonight" she gulps. Set on staying out of trouble she agrees and runs upstairs.

     " You got it?" " yea all here" she holds up the drinks. Alex quickly drinks hers and passes out within the hour. October slowly heads down the hall to Mr.Daniels room and knocks. He opens the down and gestures her in. "So what do you need me to do Mr.Daniels?" He sits on the edge of the bed "Come here" she slowly moves closer to him. "You have been very bad and you need to be punished" she is shocked. No one has ever talked to her like that. Her chest tightens and her heart starts to raise. "I want you to bend over my knees" he says "woah I don.." he quickly pulls her down "that was not a question" he states. "Mr.Daniels isn't there anything else you can do to punish me instead?" She ask "I can think of a number of ways to punish you" he grins "Now would you rather me do one of those things". Nervous of what could be in his head she says "No" and lays still. "Now babygirl I want you to count to 10 and after each number call me daddy". He says " Wait wha" she is interrupted by a slap on her bottom "smack". "One" she says quietly "one what" he ask. She stays quiet for a moment "One daddy" she responses. Her stomach starts to tighten. He continues. "Ten daddy". He stands her up. "Now what have you learned" he ask. She stands there silent shocked about what just happened. Her checks are blood red. She can't believe she liked it, but she won't give him the satisfaction of knowing it. She clears her throat "Mr.Daniels I don't think you should be doing this" she says nervously trying to sound serious . "Now babygirl that's not my name". He grins.

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