Knock knock

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       Knock knock. Mr.Daniels quickly gets up and she runs into the closet. "Hey have you seen October anywhere I can't find her?"  Alex ask. "No maybe she went to get some fresh air" he answers. " I'll go check. Love ya"  Mr. Daniels sighs in relief. She opens the closet door as he places his hand on my side and leans next to her ear. He is so close she can feel his breath on my neck. The hair on her arms and neck stand straight up. "I guess we will have to do this another time" he stands back upright making eye contact with her. October is speechless she nervously nods and slides past him to the door. She heads down to the kitchen to get some water when she bumps into Alex on the steps. "There you are. I thought you ran off" She chuckles "sorry I couldn't sleep. I'm tired now though".They head back to her room and sleep the rest of the night.

       She wakes up and Alex is gonna. She checks my phone and sees a text from her. "Sorry I have a doctors appointment I forgot about. I should be back by eleven". October lays in bed thinking that she will be left alone. A few minutes later Mr.Daniels walks in. "You should really knock" she says. He responds "It's my house. I made breakfast if you are hungry" October thinks for a moment it was almost ten he wouldn't try anything Alex would be home soon. "Okay thanks Mr. Daniels" she makes sure to emphasize. His eyes narrow knowing she said that on purpose. He turns and closes the door. October smirks knowing she got under his skin. She heads down stairs and is hit aroma of bacon. She grins "smells great". She grabs and plate and put some toast and bacon on her plate.

     She opens the fridge and the cool air flows out causing her nipples to harder. She is aware immediately and grabs milk and closes the door. She forgot to change and put a bra on before coming down stairs. She keeps her back turned waiting till they are less noticeable. She can feel him staring at her backside. She is wear pj bottoms which are a little shorter than usual. "Hey can I have the milk?" he ask. She turns around trying to keep one arm crossed over her chest. She places the milk in front of him. She walks over to the table and begins to eat. The fridge opens then shuts. She can see him move out of the corner of her eye. He sits in the chair beside her. She try's to not pay him any attention. " Are you enjoying that" he ask softly. She nods in response. He begins to run his finger ups and down her arm. Goose bumps rise immediately. He then begins running his finger up and down her thigh. " you should stay over more often" he says before getting up. October finally relaxes. He make her so nervous and feel things she never has.  After eating she heads upstairs to take a shower. As she is getting dress she can hear Alex in the hall. "Hey you're back" "yea I'm sorry I forgot, but now we can have some fun." They head out to her car and drive into town. "So where are we going" October ask. "First to the mall to get you some sexy clothes cause we have a party to go to". "Who's party" she questions further "Some guy on Burke is throwing it" October worriers "okay but I need to stop by house and see my mom and I'll have to stay at your house again cause my mom won't let me stay out late. " Alright that's cool girly".

       They walk in the mall and raid through the racks. Alex picks out a bunch of short skirts and skinny tank tops " That stuff is to small" October says concerned. "No you will be hot. Don't worry."  October try's on a few outfits before sliding into a leopard print skirt and a black crop tank top. Alex walks in "damn this is the one" " I don't know. This is a lot of skin". October has very curvy figure. She wears a double d bra and has a very large bottoms. Her stomach is not really small but Is proportional "October I don't see why you don't show off more. you are fucking sexy" October sighs "I don't like when people stare" "Tonight everyone is gonna stare. I'll be right back" a few moments later she comes back with a couple chairs and a pair of black heeled booties. They check out and head back to October's house.

      They walk in the door "hey mom I'm home" " I'm in the kitchen" her mom reply's. "Did you girls have fun" she ask "Yeah it was a blast. I was wondering if I could stay again tonight we are having a movie marathon" October ask " I don't know. Is it okay with your dad?"  She ask Alex. " Yea he said it was fine" " Okay well I guess it fine, but behave" she says " I will. I love you". They head back to Alex's house to get ready. "So we have to wait till my dad falls asleep to sneak out tonight. We can go ahead and get our makeup and hair fixed." At around eleven thirty they sneak out. They pull up to the party. It is crazy people are everywhere. It is at the end of a very long driveway. October decides to not drink that way she can drive them home later. The music is loud they walk up the porch and into the house. There are strobe lights flashing Alex walks to the kitchen to make a drink. A blonde haired guy walks towards them. "Hey I'm Mitch" he greets "hey" October responds nervously she begins to notice lot of guys keep looking at her. She walks over to Alex "I told you I shouldn't have worn this. They won't stop staring" Alex laughs "live a little" hours pass and a handful of guys have walked up to her, but she keeps the conversations short. It almost three she goes to find Alex so they can leave. She walks and she see is smoking weed with some guys by the fire. "Hey we gotta go" Alex hugs a couple guys bye and then follows her to the car. They pull in the driveway and Alex is dead asleep. October notices Mr.Daniels bedroom light turns on. "Shit" she thinks in her head. She tries waking Alex up but she just groans and keeps sleeping. A few minutes passes and Mr. Daniels walks out of the house "fuck" she whispers.

     "Where have you girls been it three thirty in the morning".  "I'm sorry we went to a party" October answers nervously. " Have you been drinking?" He ask " No I drove" he seems relived a little he heads over and picks up Alex and take her inside and up to her room. October stays down stairs and drinks some water. She hears the steps creek.

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