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Monday arrived and I had a hard time bringing myself to go to work and carry on doing my job. I worked at Ava's parents' company- Brown's Designs- ever since I ran away from my old life. In the beginning, I worked in another branch in a different city. However, when Ava decided to move here, she made it her mission to convince me to come with her. She believed that I wouldn't get closure unless I actually spent time in the one place I escaped from.

I worked as a receptionist and would occasionally help in creating new designs. I always had the artistry required for fashion design, but I sometimes found it too hard of a job to work full-time on. Luckily for me, whenever I helped out in that area, the Brown's were nice enough to reward me with a higher salary for that specific month.

I sighed as I watched Mark Wilson, Ava's boyfriend, proudly walk in with a smirk plastered on his face.

"How's the beauty doing?" he sputtered out his usual bull crap, making me want to shove two knives into my ears and destroy my eardrums so that I don't hear his annoying ass voice ever again.

"Ava? She hasn't come out of the office so I'm not sure. Want me to inform her about your arrival?" I asked as I faked a smile.

"The beauty I was asking about is you, sweetheart," he winked and licked his lips. I grimaced in disgust. That wasn't the first time he had said things like this. His relationship with Ava had only started 3 months ago and he was definitely not the type of man I'd like to see engage with my best friend. However, she shrugged me off whenever I tried to warn her about him and said that it's in his nature to joke around like that.

Ava is not stupid and was taught to always resort to using her brain rather than her heart which, to be fair, is what she does whenever it comes to business. However, she claims that love is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum and the heart is what you should always make sure to follow when it comes to romance.

Mark rounded the counter I was sat behind and smirked as he leaned his face close to mine making me back my chair away.

"You are not supposed to be here, sir," I tried to say politely although I could feel my eyebrows twitching in annoyance. Mark chuckled, "my girlfriend basically owns this place, dear, so she wouldn't mind me being here," he retorted. I snorted.

"Your girlfriend would not appreciate you harassing her best friend on the job either," I retaliated. His jaws clenched before he stood straight and took a step further away from me.

"You'll fall on your knees for me one day, I can feel it," he smirked before he turned around and walked away. I groaned for the nth time after seeing him. Who does he think he is, barging into the company like that and trying to make a move on me?

Well he is the future CEO's boyfriend..

I sighed before I decided that Ava was not getting away from the talk about him today. I was definitely not going to sit aside and watch my only family waste away her chance of love believing that the guy she's been swooning over for the past 3 months is a saint. As I was contemplating how to sit her down and discuss the matter with her, I looked up and froze on impact as soon as my eyes met an unexpected guest's eyes- Damian.

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