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"Miss Anderson, Mr Brown wants you in his office," Raina, one of the workers here told me as she passed by my table.

"Me?" I questioned myself as I stood up from the table and headed towards his office. I knocked on the door and waited for him to signal for me to come in.

"Come in, Val," his voice resonated and I did just as I was told.

"Sit," he commanded and I complied, furrowing my eyebrows in the process of doing so.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Mr Brown chuckled.

"Leave it to you for your brain to immediately start coming up with conclusions," he said making me flush in embarrassment.

"Why did you call for me, then?"

He grinned.

"Actually, I do need your help for something."


"You know the Eversons?" he chuckled, "of course you do, what kind of question is this."

I tensed at the mention of my ex-husband's last name.

"What brings them up in this conversation?"

"Actually, their secretary is on maternity leave for the time being. It came up in our conversation and I promised to bring Damian a perfect replacement for the time being."

"Okay? Do you need me to look for someone?" I asked, trying to come off as casual as possible.

"No, I was wondering if you could take up the job?"

I jolted from my place.

"You want me to work for them?"

"It's only for 2 months."

"I can't do that!" I yelled back.

He sighed.

"Sit back down, Val."

I bit on my cheek to keep myself from saying anything as I complied.

"I know about you two."

My eyes widened.

"You do?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I may be old but I don't live under a rock, Valerie. Everyone knows. Just because I never mentioned it doesn't mean I never heard about what happened. But, you know I'm never quick to judge so I never brought the subject up. I know that if you wanted to talk about it, then you would have."

I bit my lip.

"It's not exactly something to proudly talk about."

He sighed.

"I know. But seeing your reactions to him, I know that you are still not over him. I think this is the perfect chance for you to perhaps reconcile."

I shook my head.

"Us? Reconcile? After what I did to him?"

"People change," he shrugged.

Yeah, people change. But liars like me will only get bitten in the ass times and times over.

"I didn't change."

"Which means you never did anything wrong in the first place."

But I did. I did the biggest mistake of my life which cost me the one person who matters to me the most. I don't care about anything besides the fact that I lost him and I deserve it for being so darn stupid. If I had just told him everything in the first place, none of this would have happened.

"Listen, Mr Brown, I really appreciate you trying to help but putting us in the same workplace for 2 months isn't going to help. If anything, it will probably make him hate me even more."

"At least consider doing it for me," he asked staring straight into my eyes as I fidgeted awkwardly in my place.

Mr Brown and his family have been providing me with everything for the past few years that I had known them so he knows that I can never refuse a request of his. I have a lot that I need to pay back.

I sighed.

"I'll think about it."

He grinned.

"Great. You start in 2 weeks."

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