{Chapter Seventeen}

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trigger warning: internalized homophobia, mentions of self-harm, discussions of su*cide, mentions of abuse and alchoholism

"Oh, Yuri..." Natsuki breathed, her eyes filled with so much pity, Yuri couldn't stand it!

"I already know what you're going to say, Natsuki! I know that you hate me. I'm just a worthless lesbian, I-I know..." Yuri curled up under the thin hospital bed sheets, refusing to look at Natsuki.

"Yuri. Stop thinking about yourself that way! I used to...dislike you, but it was because I admired you. You don't always talk much, but when you do, people listen. Your poems are beautiful and you're so, so talented and I...I was jealous. I...don't know if I necessarily love you, but I...may...um...I might have a big c-crush on you..." Blushing, Natsuki took a deep breath and waited.

"Y-You...wait...WHAT?! You have a..." Yuri trailed off, turning red. The room descended into awkward silence, both girls occasionally glancing at each other and then looking away in embarrassment.

Yuri finally had the courage to speak up again. "S-So, you don't hate me for c-cutting myself...?"

Natsuki shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "I could never hate you for that, Yuri. I just wish I hadn't treated you so badly...I would have understood if I had just realized..." Natsuki's features descended into guilt and sadness, how could she not feel guilty for what she did?

"W-What do you mean you would have understood...? I'm sorry, but you didn't really s-seem like the understanding type..." Natsuki frowned, guilt washing over her like a suffocating flood.

Natsuki wasn't sure she should tell Yuri, but...no more secrets, right?

"Y-Yeah, um...I...my home life...hasn't been so great ever since my mom died...I tried cutting once when i-it was really bad...but I just felt like it didn't help and the s-scars made me feel so much worse...that's why I would have understood." Natsuki's eyes were filled with tears now, after all, this was the first time she'd ever opened up to someone like this.

"...How bad is it at home? Does your...D-Does your dad a-abuse you...?" Yuri asked, her voice soft and cautious, as if she was speaking to a temperamental beast.

"..." Natsuki froze up, hugging her knees to her chest as she worked out a response. "...D-Do you really want to know...?"

Yuri hesitated before nodding. Natsuki started talking again, her voice choked with tears.

"W-We used to be a happy family...but I never knew that when I wasn't around, it was different. My mother had extreme depression, she's had it ever since she was in high school. As I got older...I-I noticed she was becoming more and more tired, she looked so sad all the time and my dad was always worried about her. One day, my dad was asleep and I woke up early and started looking for my mom. She was always up early to make breakfast...But I couldn't find her. I-I was walking down the hall and noticed the spare bedroom door was ajar, w-we always kept it shut. I opened the door a-and she...she...s-she..." Natsuki stopped, sniffling and wiping her tears before continuing.

"S-She was hanging...f-from the c-ceiling...I screamed, and D-Dad came running and...a-and we both started to panic and h-he called 911 but it...i-it was too late. He...He blames me for her d-death, because he says she was l-less sad before she had me...Ever since then, h-he's just gotten worse. My...He's an alcoholic...He a-abuses me...B-But it's okay...! I-I'll grow up and m-move out one day, s-so..."

Natsuki took a moment to collect herself while Yuri sat there in shock.
"We'll get you out of that house and away from your father, Natsuki. Mark my words." Natsuki got up and quickly hugged Yuri, sobbing into Yuri's chest while Yuri wrapped her arms around Natsuki.

Even despite Natsuki's home situation and Yuri's cutting, in that moment, they both knew they would be okay.

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