107. No Longer A Threat

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RAVENNA STRAINED TO keep her smile pleasant

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RAVENNA STRAINED TO keep her smile pleasant. Eoin was so proud of his proclamation to protect her. His cheerful grin almost blinded her, it was so bright. She decided not to ruin his moment. There would be another opportunity soon enough.

She would get what she wanted from him, one way or another.

He suddenly stood. He clasped her hand tightly within his. "Would you care to explore the festival now?" he asked.

She chuckled and allowed him to pull her to her feet. "Of course," she told him. "We wouldn't want to miss it."

The sky had turned to ink by the time they reached the street that lead into the marketplace. A giant moon hovered above their heads, its soft milky glow reflecting against the white stones that comprised the city. As they grew closer to the marketplace, the warm, yellow glow of torches replaced the moon's light and decorated lanterns were strung along the rooftops, zig-zagging across the pathway. The steady beat of a drum mixed with the sound of clashing cymbals and an energetic lute.

As they stepped into the marketplace, Ravenna's eyes widened. Panes of red and violet fabric decorated the shops, revealing beautifully painted scenes of the sun and stars. Lanterns streamed across the space, weaving through the air like a glowing spiderweb. Crowds of people surrounded them, dressed in all sorts of vivid colors. Vendors had set up wooden stands filled with their wares. Each stand was decorated with red and violet streamers.

In front of the fountain, a group of similarly dressed humans moved to the music. It was a rhythmic movement, a dance that Ravenna had never seen before. It seemed choreographed —every dancer's feet moved in perfect unison, tapping enthusiastically against the earth beneath them. Their upper bodies were stiff and rigid. It was hypnotizing to watch. The men and women moved around the fountain with very strong and precise steps. Each movement followed the beat of the drums, amplifying the dynamic sounds.

"This is beautiful," she whispered to Eoin.

He nodded. "These dancers train very hard to perform at festivals like this," he informed her. "Some even travel from city to city. It's quite fascinating to watch."

"That is amazing," she said earnestly.

She and Eoin continued to watch the dancers until they seemed to finish their performance. The music slowed to something softer and the dancers beamed at the crowds around them. Each one joined their hands and then they took a bow.

Ravenna clapped her hands together. Eoin cheered loudly, several others in the crowd joining him. Once the cheering died down, he grabbed her hand and tugged her away from the fountain.

They explored some of the wooden stands nearby, sampling new food and admiring the items for sale. Anything that she seemed to express real interest in prompted Eoin to attempt to purchase it for her. Each time, she would shake her head and refuse his offer.

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