Chapter 18: Cursor in Court

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Chapter 18: Cursors in Court

The court was densely packed with supports from both sides. Chris the Cursor had been given a more human-like appearance by attaching an iPad into the moving chair. The chair was specially built for Chris by Awasthy. Chris the Cursor could move the chair on his will. Two hands were also attached to the monitor of the iPad. A cap was adoring the iPad. From a distance it gave a look of a person walking.

The judge started the proceedings of the court. The notary recited the petition of an organization 'World against Cursor'. It was lead by Mark who was appearing in the court to oppose the cursors. It read -

We the people of this country feel extremely threatened by the activities of the new invention called Cursor. This is a completely new technology and things like this have been seen never before. This invention has extraordinary capabilities that can disrupt the ordinary way we the common citizen live.

We are facing an extraordinary challenge in the form of this new intruder called Cursor. This device has an independent mind of its own and it can decision voluntarily, still, this device can be used for breaching our privacy. The capabilities of the cursor are far more dangerous for children of our society.

The extent of the threat posed by this new development can be assessed from the way the Cursor have united and formed an association of themselves. They tried to register the association with the federal registrar where their application is still pending. Tomorrow once such an organization is registered they can go on strike. In fact there had been malfunctioning in the GRIID sometime back. Some cyber-security experts have termed it as a strike because of cursors. A huge majority of the computers both with citizens and in the industry were affected. Because of this all the documents which have been presented in this were made on hand type-writer. As you can see the technological innovation which was once thought of as the harbinger of the new has taken us back in the last century.

Another important fact is that these so-called cursors as a workforce are not dependent on the management. In essence there is hardly anything to bargain. They have nothing to expect. With the traditional workforce it was cash flow of the compensation that did not allow them to carry on the strike for an indefinite period. This is not the case here.

If we allow such technology to grow the traditional balance of the labor force and management will be disrupted. Several sectors of the economy will feel the pressure some even disappear.

It is our humble request to ban all research work into such a stupid program. The creators of such a program should be given orders to not indulge in this any longer.

Since the case had been listed for hearing the Supreme Court, the Cursor Assembly had formed a union aka Cursor Union. The Cursor Union had decided to let Ryan argue for them.

Ryan started his arguments before the Supreme Court-

Every great technological innovation has disruptive impacts, that is one of the reasons behind its greatness in the first place. This disruption may seem to be intrusive and even at times unwanted, slowly it becomes the part of society. The innovation interacts with society to find its place and the society reconfigures itself to give the innovations its right place. This interplay between innovation and society creates a new normal.

Progress in sciences and thereby technology cannot be dictated by political, legal and social thoughts. Sometimes discoveries in the history of mankind took place before anyone could recognize its proper use. The invention of rubber is an example of this. We must give enough time to the researchers and the society to understand and appreciate the innovation.

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