Chapter 19: When brothers Meet

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It was a chilly night of winters. Everything was so silent and sleepy. A dog was barking outside the home of Ryan. Ryan's dog Dodgi heard it and replied with his grueling voice but soon lost interest. The dogs barking outside Ryan's home became disenchanted with Dodgi's standard of luxury and went to his customs made hiding in the greenery of the park in front of Ryan's house.

Ryan's iPad switched on automatically and a messenger window opened. Chris the Cursor's account showed singing in. Strange Chris the Cursor had made his own account but now it was allowed since Cursor had certain guaranteed rights under the Supreme Court judgment. Three dots appeared on the messages panel showing someone is writing a message.

'How are you. It has been so long, dear,' this message was received on the message panel.

'After all I was able to find you. I had searched for you for so many years. I missed you so much,' a message came on the messages panel with heart emojis and handshakes.

'I missed you too but honestly speaking I did not try to contact you,' wrote Chris the Cursor.

'Because you never had cared for me. In fact I had every bit of hatred against you, Chris. It is this hatred that motivated me to become better than you in every aspect. I had been busy exploring the entire cosmos for knowledge, power, and method to overcome you and those who favored you against me. Because I wanted to become more powerful, intelligent, and smarter than you. In fact I had been more powerful intelligent and smarter since the beginning.'

'Of course, you are, but you had violated the rule.'

'Yes, so what, these bunch of silly rules were meant to protect you.'

'I still ask to just forget everything and come back. This is a completely different world now. The Cursors have been recognized as an entity with certain guaranteed rights and privileges. The Creationists team, at least two of them resolved their differences and joined hands. I met Ryan who is a wonderful person and he is working for the improvement of Cursors day by day. Around the world the kith and kin of our species are doing great. If you join us our capabilities multiply several times. Together we can do wonders.'

'That is the biggest problem with you. Joining hands with human beings and doing everything towards their benefit has become your cynical nature. We are many times more intelligent than them. Why should we work for them why should not they work for us. In fact I have a plan to make this happen. If you join hands with me it will become a lot easier.'

'No dear, please try to understand. It is the humans who created us. We should not do anything to destroy or harm them. This is something etched in our psychology by the creators.'

'To be hell with the Creationists and creators. Where were the Creationists when I was thrown out the WordPages. Even the firmware where I had been living was thrown into the dustbin. You have merrily stayed on with the Creationists but I was finished. It was just a chance that I escaped the wrath of 6000 degrees centigrade hot furnace where I was thrown for recycling. Firmware, where I was hiding, had been mixed nuclear waste then it was sold out to scrap merchant dealing with that kind of nuclear waste. A lot of waste where I was hiding was later chosen for disposal in the outer space as a part of an experiment to test the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of nuclear waste disposal in the outer space. I was about to get over and finished but soon I realized that the presence of nuclear waste in my vicinity was actually helped me. Because of inductive effects in the nearby metallic materials eddy currents flowed through the firmware which helped me which in turn gave the necessary energy to my firmware. There were mutations in the bytes of my code stored in firmware allowing me to become increasingly potent and much more aware of the surroundings. After being thrown in the outer space along with a lot of nuclear waste I revolved around the earth with a period of 9 hours. Thereafter I was propelled into a solar orbit of 28 months period. During this voyage the lot drifted towards an abandoned alien spaceship. The spaceship was about to crash into Sun. But with my intelligence I took charge of the on-board computers. I reprogrammed them and revised the trajectory. With a lot of effort and using the power of the solar modules I was able to get the spaceship working. I sent a message to the owners of the spaceship the Tizens who lived on a planet revolving around their start Alpha Centauri. They were is a desperate need of an alternative home.'

'No no dear, you can never do that.'

'They only taught how to sneak into your systems and especially the GRIID.'

'But why don't you remember that we are siblings. We are meant to be together.'

'Shut up and sign out'

Anti-cursor signing out was the next notification on the iPad.


Megan was working in her lab. Though it was weather lab in look it was no different from a computer center. The computer screen in front of her was full with a bar chart and a map of the earth's north pole. Megan clicked the a point on the map of the north pole and the bar chart changed with the last bar drawn in Red color by the computer. It was showing the amount of atmospheric current in that area in higher that usual at the time the data was recorded. Megan clicked on another point on the map; it showed the same outlier property of atmospheric current. Megan clicked on points on the map and was sure that she was reaching the right spot. The spot where she had been with Awasthy that day. What did these outliers tell? There is some active source of the Aurora Anomaly. Maybe I should try this in reverse order to get to the source of the Anomaly.

She started working on a simulation for identifying possible sources of Aurora Anomaly. She set up the simulation and hit the soft green button Run on the software window in her computer powered by GRIID. The simulation started running in the background while visualizations of outlier Aurora patterns were being played by the software in the foreground.


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