Chapter 28: Our Special Day

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  I don't know if it was because my dress was a little tighter than before, but I was having a hard time breathing. In a couple of minutes, I would walk down the aisle and then I would officially become Mrs. Bieber. Justin would become my husband, and I would become his wife. As a Belieber myself, all of this was crazy and still a lot to process. I did notice all the people that were here, and the paparazzi was loving this right now. But the more I thought about all the people that were going to be watching Justin and I, the smaller I began to feel.

  Kehlani walked over to me and smiled saying,"Gab, you look like a queen. You ready?"

  I stepped down and asked her,"Can you get my mother please?"

  Kehlani nodded and I kissed her cheek in thank you before I took a seat.

  Mom walked into the room, and she yelled,"Gabrielle, you're getting married! My baby girl's getting married! Why are you sitting down?"

  When I didn't respond to Mom, she walked over to me and crouched down in front of me.

  She lifted my chin and frowned saying,"Honey, what's wrong? Do you feel sick?"

  "I'm going to mess this up, too, Mom. I just know it. I'm going to give the world something else to judge me for."

  Mom now understood what this was about, and she rested her hand on my face.

  I let my tears fall against her hand and she said,"Gabrielle Selene Barnes, look at me. You are not going to mess this up. Now, this is your day. You're the biggest Justin Bieber fan I know. You deserve to be able to have this. I'm happy for you because you get to marry the man whose voice filled my house every single day. Don't worry about all the people watching. Who cares if they don't like your wedding? All that matters is that you enjoy this and Justin enjoys it, too. You're not going to let this sudden feeling stop you from marrying Justin, are you?"

  I sniffed and said,"No, but what if-"

  Mom closed my mouth and said to me,"Gabrielle, you will be all right. Your family is out there waiting to see you walk out there and look gorgeous. Justin is out there waiting to see you walk through those doors. You can do this. I have faith in you."


  I was beginning to worry when Gabrielle hadn't walked through those doors with Mr. Barnes yet. I could tell our family and friends were confused as well and I saw a couple of worried looks from Gabrielle's older family members, but I couldn't let this get to my head. Maybe something went wrong with Gabrielle's dress, and her mother was helping her or her father.

  There was no way Gabrielle would bail on our wedding day. This meant too much to her. It had to, right? Of course, it did.

  Positive thoughts, Justin. Just relax. Deep breaths.

  Mom got up and jogged up to where I stood.

  She kissed my forehead and said,"You look handsome, Justin. It's okay. She'll walk through those doors."

  I nodded and hugged Mom, before she sat back down in her seat. Just when I brought my attention back to the doors where Gabrielle would enter, there she was..


  When the doors opened, this was it. My father slowly walked me down the aisle, while I noticed Justin and I's huge support system on both sides of my father and I. It felt good to know all of these people were here for Justin and I. Dad and I had barely made it halfway down the aisle, and Justin was already in tears. I was in tears, too.
  This whole thing was just ridiculous. Not like a bad ridiculous, but it was just..crazy. It wouldn't be long before I officially had the name Mrs. Bieber. Instead of Gabrielle Barnes, it would become Gabrielle Bieber. It sounded like it was made for me.

  When I took Justin's hands, his hands were shaking. I ran both of my thumbs over his knuckles before our wedding continued. After Justin and I shared our vows and it came time for the kiss, I wasted no time in making the first move.
  Justin immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and kept himself from falling off the altar. When we pulled away from the kiss, everyone continued to cheer and I wiped Justin's tears.

  I said,"This is only the beginning, JB. Only the beginning."

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