chapter 8

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I wake up sweating again, I had another nightmare once again but this time it wasn't about Angela but now this time it was about my parents. I try to forget about so I get out of my bed and get change for school. Ahh school, school sucks, I wish I could go to the past and stay in there.

I go downstairs with my outfit on which was a white cropped long sleeve and with dark blue denim jeans with my white converse.

I was greeted by everyone except Aaron, of course, he left.

"Hey guy what are you doing here?"

"We are making breakfast for you since you look like you had a bad night,"

"Oh thanks, guys," go they are so caring.

The guys serve my food and I thank them and after we all finish we go to the garage.

Again their mouths were open, I had many expensive cars from all the stuff I did in Canada for example car racing, the tracks.

"Well, let's go to school, wait, you boys came with Aaron's car so you have no way to go to school, if you want I can give you one of my cars and then you can bring it back later"

"Oh okay cool thx," Henry and the boys say since I was mostly talking to Henry

He chooses a car and we leave my house to go back to school. Another day of boring high school life.

As we arrive at school we all go to our classes since we were 2 minutes late which doesn't matter. My first period of the day is History which I have with Aaron. I finally get to my class and sit down at the back of the class where only the people who don't give a fuck about school, like me for example, you only go to school to have a job but i already have a job and i love it so much. As I take my seat everyone just stares at me and I get pissed and glare at them causing them to turn away.

Luckily the teacher came 20 minutes late causing the lesson to be shorter. Well when class begin the devil showed up, you know Aaron. When he sees me his face turns red fucking red and he walks no stomps his way towards me, I just smile not knowing why he is so mad plus I do not give two shits.

"Fucking move from my seat," Was it necessary for him to spit in my face.

"2 things, number 1...NEVER spit on my face and number 2...I AM NOT FUCKING MOVING FROM THIS CHAIR, I CAME HERE FIRST AND YOU CAME HERE LATE, SO YOU MOVE," I stand while talking to him. after a few moments of us just staring at each other I sit down once again, crossing my leg on top of the other.

He bends down and whispers: " I can send someone to kill you, you will die very easily and no one will ever remember you, so move from my seat or else,"

I just smile, I whisper "I'm not scared of you, I'm not going to be killed with one of your men because they are not going to touch me, you want to know why,"

I look at his eyes and he looks at me too, he kinda nods and that's where I continue to talk: "Because I'm not like most girls," with that said he stands up straight and leaves the classroom. everyone begins to stare at me and that when I say:"fucking mind your own business"


(skip until their break)

Right now I am sitting on the bench with the guys, everyone is here except Aaron. Let me tell you something, I am a very curious person so I had to ask them this: "Where's Aaron,"

Henry response: "I don't know probably has a job to do, if you know what I mean," He was probably talking about Aaron doing gang stuff. I just nod my head.


(skip till next period)

Ahh I'm stuck in Maths and Aaron still hasn't come back...why am I thinking about him, he is such an asshole, he should just fuck himself and never come back.

I ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she says yes. As I was heading to the bathroom a random guy pushes me towards one of the lockers. He takes out a knife and holds it against my neck.

"I was sent to kill you, such a pity, you're a beautiful girl, I'm so sad to put you in the waste,"

I just laugh which confuses the dude, being confused, i use the distraction to lift my leg a bit higher and bend a bit to take out my knife from one of my black leather boots. I stab him on the leg and put my hand on his mouth to muffled his scream. I push his head against the locker causing him to knock out. I bend down and grab his arms and pull him into one of the school closets. With that done, I go back to class. easy peasy

Aaron's pov

I send that guy to kill her...well not exactly kill her just hurt her but he did nothing. I was hiding and listening to their conversation but she knocks the guy out so quickly that something is up. She is so mysterious, I saw her in the tracks and she won, then she stabbed someone and then now this. Something happened to her in Canada and I am going to find out but I am going to need the help of one of my men. I take out my phone from my pocket and call Luke, he answers straight away, just like i ordered.

"Hey boss, what do you want me to do?,"

"Can you find information about a girl called Alison Jones?,"

"Yep sure, just wait 2 minutes and I should get everything about her," I just nod even though he can't see me. After 2 minutes he talks again.

"Yep so there's nothing here, she innocent hasn't done any... wait, she's dangerous Aaron, whatever you do keep your distance.

"Luke I am your boss, don't tell me what to do if you won't so good at your job I would have killed you, plus I am the most dangerous person around here,"


(1048 words) sorry for not posting two days ago but here is chapter 9 and soon coming out chapter 10 to 12

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